Do I have to decide on a profession before I register? Are there career-specific 10th school years?

For the 10th school year with a general orientation, you do not yet have to know which profession you would like to learn. Help with choosing a career is one of the main tasks of this school year. Here you will get to know many different professions and can also "try them out" in some cases.

If you already have an idea of your dream job, you can do work experience in year 10 to see whether your idea is realistic and whether there are other professions that might suit you.

There are special preparatory 10th school years for IT professions, professions in trade, transport and administration, creative professions, social, educational, medical and technical professions. On the one hand, you clarify whether you are suitable for this occupational field. On the other hand, you will learn a lot that you will need later in your apprenticeship. The 10th school year may be credited towards your apprenticeship.


To the providers for the 10th school year and career choice year