Who is the 10th school year good for? Is it something for me?
- Have you been unsuccessful with your apprenticeship search so far?
- Have you (almost) finished your compulsory schooling, but still don't know what profession you would like to learn?
- Do you want to go to a grammar school, cantonal school or secondary school, but haven't yet passed the entrance exam?
- Are you very talented and active in sports and still need time before you put more energy into a career?
- Do you want to do a design apprenticeship and need to attend a preliminary course?
- Are you still too young for the training you want to do?
- Would you like to create a better professional basis for your future than is possible with your current certificates? And do you perhaps want to learn French, English or Italian better at the same time?
In these - and similar - cases, the 10th school year is a good choice. If, for whatever reason, you don't go straight into another school or vocational training after finishing school, then year 10 is the perfect choice for you.
It is important that you don't see the 10th school year as something for losers and dropouts. Year 10 is THE chance for you to achieve more than you perhaps thought you could until recently.
To the providers for the 10th school year and career choice year