ICT specialist for career changers (EFZ) (Weinfelden):
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Education location / Schools Weinfelden
Questions and answers
What are the reasons for career changers in IT?
Good reasons for a career change in IT:
- can live out a talent for ICT devices and networks that they only discovered in the course of their lives
- Retraining due to physical problems or limitations in an office job with a lot of job potential through digitalization
- Interesting combination of supplementing acquired professional expertise with IT skills
- IT lateral entry is possible via various educational levels: e.g. via professional examinations, higher professional examinations, postgraduate courses at higher technical colleges or universities
What options are there in the field of IT for career changers with a basic vocational qualification (EFZ, not in IT)?
The following options are available in the field of IT for career changers with basic vocational training (EFZ, not in IT):
- Computer scientist EFZ
- Business IT Specialist EFZ
- Business IT specialist with a federal certificate (as a business administrator with only two years of professional experience instead of four)
- Cyber security specialist with federal certificate
- ICT application developer with federal certificate
- ICT system and network technician with federal certificate
- ICT Security Expert with federal diploma
- Dipl. Techniker/in HF Informatik (with EZF in electronics or electrical engineering one year of professional experience instead of up to four)
- Graduate in Business Information Technology HF (as a business administrator profile M or E)
What are the requirements for a computer science apprenticeship for career changers?
Irrespective of the level-specific admission requirements, the following personal prerequisites should be met for a computer science course for career changers:
- logical and abstract thinking
- Enjoy finding solutions
- Systematic way of working
- quick comprehension
- Good math skills
- Good knowledge of German and English
Which computer scientist training for career changers is possible after the baccalaureate?
Following the gymnasiale Matura, the following computer science courses can be attended by lateral entrants:
- Computer scientist EFZ
- Dipl. Technician HF Computer Science
- Graduate in Business Information Technology HF
- Business IT specialist with federal certificate
- Cyber security specialist with federal certificate
- ICT application developer with federal certificate
- ICT system and network technician with federal certificate
- ICT Security Expert with federal diploma
Which further education courses in IT for career changers are possible without basic vocational training or an upper secondary school-leaving certificate?
The following further education courses in IT for career changers are possible without basic vocational training or an upper secondary school-leaving certificate:
- ICT specialist EFZ
- Computer scientist EFZ
- Business IT Specialist
- Business IT specialist with federal certificate
- Graduate in Business Information Technology HF
- ICT application developer with federal certificate
- Cyber security specialist with federal certificate
- ICT system and network technician with federal certificate
- ICT manager with federal diploma
Four to eight years of relevant professional experience is usually required for the further education courses and associated qualifications. Check with the educational institute which admission requirements are necessary for the chosen further education course in computer science for career changers.
Career changers in computer science: What are the different occupational groups?
There are two different professional groups in the IT career changer sector:
- BUILD: Developing ICT systems and solutions
- RUN: Provide and operate ICT solutions for customers, support users and rectify faults
Think about which professional group you would like to train for.
Which IT career changer training is possible after a federally recognized commercial college?
The following IT lateral entry training is possible following a federally recognized commercial college:
- Dipl. Technician HF Computer Science
- Graduate in Business Information Technology HF
- ICT Security Expert with federal diploma
What typical IT career changer jobs are there?
There are the following typical IT career changer jobs:
- ICT specialist
- Computer scientist
- Business IT Specialist
- Business IT specialist
- ICT Application Developer
- Cyber Security Specialist
- ICT system and network technician
- ICT Manager
- ICT Security Expert
Lateral entry into IT without training - why do training?
Various factors play a role in the decision for or against training. These should be analyzed individually - even when it comes to lateral entry into IT without training. The driving factors behind the decision to complete an apprenticeship are
- Interest in personal development
- Getting to know new theories and solutions
- Understanding (complex) interrelationships
- Broadening the (knowledge) horizon
- Or simply for the joy of change
The age limit, for example, is deliberately not relevant here.
Erfahrungen, Bewertungen und Meinungen zur Ausbildung / Weiterbildung
Haven't found the right training or further education yet? Benefit from educational advice now!
Further training is not only important in order to maintain or increase professional attractiveness, investing in training or further training is still the most efficient way to increase the chances of a pay rise.
The Swiss education system offers a wide range of individual training and further education opportunities - depending on your personal level of education, professional experience and educational goals.
Choosing the right educational offer is not easy for many prospective students.
Which training and further education is the right one for my path?
Our education advisory team will guide you through the "education jungle", providing specific input and relevant background information to help you choose the right offer.
Your advantages:
You will receive
- Suggestions for suitable courses, seminars or training programs based on the information you provide in the questionnaire
- An overview of the different levels and types of education
- Information about the Swiss education system
We offer our educational counseling in the following languages on request: French, Italian, English
Register now and concretize your training plans.

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