Future Leadership: Training, information, overview of schools
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Questions and answers
Who offers training on the topic of future leadership?
There is a wide range and large number of training courses in the field of leadership. Among other things, there are providers who offer training courses with a school certificate or those that lead to a federally recognized certificate.
You can find an overview of which providers now offer training courses on Future Leadership here at Ausbildung-Weiterbildung.ch. You can contact the providers free of charge and without obligation and ask any questions you may have.
Can I also complete Future Leadership training online?
Since the coronavirus pandemic at the latest, more and more schools have been offering their educational programs in different teaching formats: Face-to-face, online, hybrid, blended learning, etc.
The teaching formats for Future Leadership training courses can vary from school to school, so it is best to contact the provider of your choice directly.
Why is Future Leadership training useful?
In contrast to traditional leadership styles, managers are confronted with new challenges in times of digital developments and changes in work culture. There is no "instruction manual" and a look at the leadership styles practiced to date is only useful to a limited extent - the forms of future leadership are too different (no hierarchical leadership, relationship management, multi-perspectivity, etc.). Future leadership is not a theory that can simply be memorized and intuitively applied; it requires a deep examination of the content as well as practice and reflection. Appropriate training is therefore recommended.
How expensive is Future Leadership training?
The cost of future leadership training depends on various factors. For example, it is not only the scope (duration) of the training, but also the teaching format (face-to-face, online, hybrid, blended learning, etc.), the teaching staff or other possible services, such as learning support, coaching or exam simulations, that play a central role.
It is therefore not possible to make a general statement about how expensive a Future Leadership course is. The best way to find out is to contact the school of your choice directly.
What is the target group for Future Leadership training?
Who a Future Leadership training course is aimed at depends on the provider and the respective learning content or concept of the training program.
For example, future leadership training, which does not require any specific prior education or professional experience, is probably aimed at beginners. On the other hand, there are also courses that have been specially developed for experienced professionals with relevant professional experience.
If you have any questions about the target group, for example if you are not sure whether you meet the admission requirements, then it is best to contact the provider of your choice directly.
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