Hotel communication specialist (EFZ)  (Sargans):
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Hauptstrasse 12
7062 Passugg
Hotel-Kommunikationsfachmann/-frau EFZ
The three-year apprenticeship as a hotel communication specialist EFZ (HoKo) prepares you for administrative tasks in the world of the hotel and catering industry and creates a broad basis for further opportunities in the hotel and catering industry. During the apprenticeship you will:

- Focus on hospitality and service excellence;
- develop social skills and soft skills (communication, self-confidence, self-management);
- learn about day-to-day hotel operations through operational and industry-specific know-how;
- complete practical training and courses that prepare you for your internships during your apprenticeship;
- complete work placements during half of your apprenticeship, with the support of the school.
Region: Ostschweiz
Sites: Passugg
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Schulen mit zertifizierter Bildungsberatung

Questions and answers

The apprenticeship to become a Federal VET Diploma hotel communication specialist takes three years to complete. he school-based part varies depending on the canton: 1-2 days per week at the vocational college or 10-20 weeks per year in a training hotel.

Federal VET Diploma hotel communication specialists work at the reception desk, the front desk. There they welcome guests and look after them throughout their stay. They inform them about the hotel's various services, know the menus and make wine recommendations, and can decant, pour and serve wine. A Federal VET Diploma hotel communication specialist is entrusted with booking out guests and deals with communication and marketing measures. They are also entrusted with administrative tasks and the management of customer and employee data in the back office, deal with correspondence and communicate with guests in German and English.

Depending on the year of training, prospective hotel communication specialists Federal VET Diploma / and hotel communication specialists Federal VET Diploma attend vocational school one or two days a week. Alternatively, a school-based basic training course can be completed, in which the school-based training takes place within three semesters and the practical skills are acquired in the form of several internships over a further three semesters.

During the basic training as a hotel communication specialist Federal VET Diploma, apprentices acquire extensive skills to provide comprehensive support and advice to guests and partners (designing communication, monitoring and ensuring work and daily planning, allocating and selling operational services and products, manufacturing products, looking after guests, conducting conversations in a second national language and English), to design and organize marketing measures and cooperations (planning and designing operational and cooperation offers, designing simple media and means of communication, creating instruments for guest satisfaction surveys), to organize and implement administrative work processes (obtaining data and figures for administration, dealing with correspondence, keeping simple accounts, assisting with the entry and departure of employees and administration of employee dossiers, keeping operational statistics, ensuring structural and procedural organization, writing texts in the second national language and English and processing correspondence with guests and partners in these languages), as well as to ensure sustainability and quality standards (sustainable management of the warehouse, goods receipt, ensuring operational value retention, ensuring the sustainability of all departments, implementation of operational standards and values).

There are many opportunities for continuing education, further training for hotel communication specialists. For example, a Federal VET Diploma of Higher Education hotel communication specialist can train to become a Federal Diploma of Higher Education restaurant manager, Federal Diploma of Higher Education chef de réception, Federal Diploma of Higher Education hotel housekeeping manager, Federal Diploma of Higher Education facility management manager or Federal Diploma of Higher Education hôtelier-restaurateur / hôtelieière-restauratrice. It is also possible to complete a shortened apprenticeship, for example as a restaurant specialist Federal VET Diploma, hotel specialist Federal VET Diploma or chef Federal VET Diploma. A Bachelor's degree in International Hospitality Management is also possible with a Federal Vocational Baccalaureate.

Redaktionelle Leitung:

Stefan Schmidlin, Bildungsberatung, Content-Team Modula AG


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