Calligraphy (Cert.) (Bathing):
1 Provider
Sofort zur richtigen Weiterbildung
Education location / Schools Baden
Questions and answers
I would like to learn calligraphy. Do I need any special prior knowledge?
In order to learn calligraphy, most courses do not require any previous knowledge. A calligraphy course is suitable for private individuals who would like to gain new experiences and express their creativity, as well as for professionals who work in the fields of creation and design and want to expand their knowledge in this area.
How does a distance learning course work where I can learn calligraphy?
To learn calligraphy, you don't necessarily have to sit in a classroom with a lot of other course participants, but can indulge in your new passion and further your education from the comfort of your own home or any other place where you can be creative. A distance learning course offers the perfect opportunity for this, as it provides you with comprehensive learning booklets at regular intervals, which you can work on at your own pace, and with distance learning support, you always have a competent contact person to answer any questions you may have about homework or other subject-related topics. You have up to three years to complete your degree and contact the lecturer if you have any questions.
What content is taught in a course in which I want to learn calligraphy?
The content of a course in which you can learn calligraphy varies greatly depending on the provider. You can attend seminars in which you only learn a specific calligraphy script, or you can opt for a more comprehensive course that teaches you much more than just the technique. Here is an excerpt from the Laudius distance learning course as an example of a course. In 48 learning booklets, you will be taught the following topics, among others: Introduction to calligraphy and block letters, Antiqua basic script, ABC in Antiqua (minuscules), Antiqua with serifs, humanist cursive, modern cursive, uncial, semi-uncial, Gothic texture, Schwabach script alphabet, Fraktur alphabet, Rotunda, Bastarda, English script, German cursive, creative and free brush scripts, calligraphy and computers. You will learn the ABCs of each typeface, how to use the nib and receive explanations of the letters. There are also self-study tasks, homework and various topics, such as the creation of paper, designing a CD, designing posters, designing business stationery, designing surfaces, gilding, making your own nibs, the third dimension and much more. For a comprehensive list of contents, please contact the relevant school directly using our contact form.
How quickly is it possible to learn calligraphy?
You can't learn calligraphy in one day, the requirements for precise calligraphic writing are too high for that. However, a distance learning course offers you the opportunity to expand your knowledge and skills over a period of one year with a weekly commitment of around five hours, so that by the end of the course you will be able to produce high-quality calligraphic work and have acquired a great deal of background knowledge about calligraphy.
What materials do I need if I want to learn calligraphy?
The art of beautiful writing or calligraphy can be done with pen and ink as well as with special pens and fountain pens. Before starting a course in which you learn calligraphy, it makes sense to find out directly from the respective provider what materials you need and where you can best purchase them. You often have the option of buying a calligraphy set directly from the school, which contains all the products you need for the course.
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