Cosmetics training: Experience report by school owner and lecturer Carmela Ramundo - At the Bella Vita Academy, training to become a beautician focuses on medical cosmetics.

Portrait-Foto Carmela Ramundo
Carmela Ramundo

Who is behind the Bella Vita Academy cosmetics training program?

My name is Carmela Ramundo. I am the owner and lecturer at the Bella Vita Academy in Oberarth. Our cosmetics training program was created in connection with the Switzerland-wide distribution of a global medical-cosmetic care brand. This is another reason why we provide cosmetic and holistic training for women and men interested in medical cosmetics.

Kosmetiker Ausbildung

How is training to become a beautician structured?

Our cosmetics training program lasts one year. The training begins with an introduction to the cosmetics industry and its fields. This knowledge is also very important in today's market. The focus is on medical cosmetics, which means that the products are more effective and the skin care results are visible and noticeable. We are therefore deepening our knowledge of active ingredients and verifying the ingredients. The topic of active ingredients accompanies us throughout our training as beauticians, because both the skincare product and the treatment result are based on it. The medical basics are indispensable for cosmetic work, which is why we repeat this knowledge again and again during the training and also incorporate it into the practical treatment. In addition, trainees learn how to carry out facial treatments that are appropriate to the skin type and condition, including manual deep cleansing. The popular highlight is learning how to perform an effective lifting massage in the 14-week block. The application of special masks and type-appropriate day make-up and much more are also included. The last learning block concludes with the topic of depilation. The cosmetic applications are taught in the classic manual version and also with the use of devices. The extensive knowledge is taught in both theoretical and practical form. Trainee beauticians are always invited to repeat and practise what they have learned. We are happy to find and provide time for all open questions and concerns during and after the training.

Ausbildung Kosmetikerin

How often does cosmetics training take place?

The individual training days take place every 14 days over the course of a year. This division makes it possible to train in cosmetics while working; it can also be planned for all those returning to the profession and career changers who already have other commitments. The theory block takes place in the morning and the practical part in the afternoon.

Kosmetikerin Weiterbildung

Can I then take up self-employment as a beautician?

I have already had participants who have opened their own business during the cosmetics training course and have already covered part of the training costs by selling the products. After the medical cosmetics training day, those interested have the opportunity to purchase the cosmetic products at the beautician's retail price. This is very much appreciated.

Becoming self-employed also requires management and marketing know-how, which can also be booked at the Bella Vita Academy in the form of training days.
I am happy to offer trainees and all other interested parties my wide-ranging expertise and my heartfelt support.

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Ausbildung Kosmetikerin Kosmetiker
Kosmetik Ausbildung Räume Bella Vita Academy
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Overview of schools "Cosmetics training"