Matura schools for adults (Matura) (Pfäffikon SZ):
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Frau möchte Matura nachholen und sitzt dafür im Unterricht einer Maturitätsschule für Erwachsene.
Gute Gründe für die Matura für Erwachsene
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Scheuchzerstrasse 2
8006 Zürich
(5.0) Very good 25 25 Ratings (96% )
The Minerva advantage - close to the market with needs-oriented courses. Minerva is one of the leading schools in basic commercial education, where young people and adults are successfully trained and further educated. Minerva is part of the Kalaidos Education Group Switzerland, the largest private education provider in Switzerland. Whether full-time school or extra-occupational courses, Minerva offers optimal conditions for achieving the desired goals. The basis for its success is the high quality and the flexible and practical school concept, which is constantly adapting to the conditions and needs of today's world.
Strengths: Interest and motivation through innovation, bilingual courses, exclusive range of courses, intensive support and individual advice, motivating working and learning atmosphere, central location
Region: Aargau, Basel, Bern, Ostschweiz, Zentralschweiz, Zürich
Sites: Aarau, Baden, Basel, Bern, Luzern, Zürich
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Schulen mit zertifizierter Bildungsberatung

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Passed entrance examination or good school-leaving certificate and/or recommendation from the teacher. Different cantonal regulations apply to the Baccalaureate for adults, e.g. transfer procedure with tests and interviews as well as written and/or oral entrance examinations. Admission to the second-chance Matura varies greatly from school to school.

The advantages of "Matura online nachholen" are that you can study anywhere and at any time. The fully digital high school enables students to prepare for the external Matura examinations that take place twice a year. The multimedia learning content can be accessed on the learning management platform. Learning progress is continuously monitored through regular tasks and projects on various topics and you receive feedback. If you have any questions or difficulties, a teacher is available online for direct or indirect communication. This allows everyone to learn at their own pace and without time pressure.

The biggest advantage of the Matura evening school is that you can still pursue a professional activity during the day and earn some extra money. If you have the Matura in your pocket, you can look forward to promising job prospects. Immediately after the A-levels, the salary prospects are not so great due to the lack of professional experience, but they quickly increase with a Bachelor's degree. Doing your Matura - it's worth it!

Both options provide an in-depth general education. The Federal Vocational Baccalaureate adds professional knowledge within the scope of the Federal VET Diploma and the professional field. While the baccalaureate entitles you to study at a University of Applied Sciences (UH) or a University of Teacher Education (UTE), the Federal Vocational Baccalaureate entitles you to study at a University of Applied Sciences (UAS - for higher studies, you would then also need the supplementary examination Passerelle as a kind of shortened Baccalaureate). The main difference between "catching up on the baccalaureate vs. catching up on the vocational baccalaureate" is therefore the scope of learning for the subsequent course of study.

The Swiss Matura examination as an external Matura can also be taken by people who have not attended a Matura school and wish to prepare for it through self-study. As a rule, anyone who is at least 18 years old in the examination year is admitted to the examination. When registering, the prepared subjects must be stated and the Matura paper submitted. This is how "Self-study for the Matura" works.

Whether you can take an in-house Matura or an external Matura depends on the school. All public and some private Matura schools for adults offer a curriculum and timetable that is binding for all students, with experience grades that also count towards the Matura certificate. It is therefore an education regulated by the Matura Recognition Ordinance (MAV), which generally makes it easier to continuously assess one's own performance and thus examination success. Another advantage is that the Matura examinations are conducted by teachers within the school, which is often perceived as a relief. In addition, certain subjects can be completed before the end of the school year. Pupils at a Matura school that is not authorized to award a house Matura must take the Matura examination outside the school at the Swiss Matura Commission in front of external experts. As a rule, the second option applies to evening school Matura examinations.

There are the following three options for the Matura Adults:

  • At a full-time school in German-speaking Switzerland: 4 - 6 years
  • Matura school for adults (full-time, part-time, distance learning): usually 2 - 3 ½ years
  • Swiss Matura examination (individual preparation or at a private school)

The duration and costs vary depending on the type of training. Please contact the individual schools for more information.

Of course, it is possible to complete the entire preparation for the Matura on your own. However, it certainly makes sense to seek advice from the school about the scope of study, structure and Matura paper. You can then work through the material that needs to be refreshed on your own. A supervisor will support you with the Matura paper. Details such as entry, progression and planning are discussed individually in a personal admissions interview with the student advisor. Part-time study is generally possible with good organization. Subjects such as biology, chemistry, physics, history and geography are partly self-study.

If you want to catch up on your Matura quickly, you can do so with a part-time short course. However, catching up on the Gymnasium Matura involves a certain amount of effort, which becomes all the greater in a short space of time. It requires a lot of self-discipline and commitment. But if you work hard at it, you can quickly catch up on your baccalaureate and then study at a university or Universities.

Depending on the proportion of face-to-face teaching, self-study and supervision, the cost of catching up on the Matura is around CHF 30,000 to CHF 60,000. The costs are usually paid monthly or by the semester. In some cases, there are additional costs of up to CHF 3,000 for learning materials. The costs for an external Matura examination amount to a further CHF 1,000.

No prior school attendance is compulsory for the Swiss Matura examination. The duration of individual preparation varies. Here are the differences between the three options for "Catching up on the Matura for adults":

  • Full-time teaching:
    Lessons take place in classes and day schools.
  • Part-time lessons:
    Lessons take place on individual weekdays and in the evenings. Parallel part-time employment is possible.
  • Distance learning:
    Students acquire the Matura subject matter largely through self-study. Block courses deepen the subject matter and provide feedback on their own learning progress.

Tips, tests and information on "Matura schools for adults"

What is the Baccalaureate and what is it good for?
» Description
How do you get a Baccalaureate?
» Educational paths and requirements
What knowledge will I acquire?
» Learning material and knowledge
What opportunities does this open up for me?
» Prospects and development opportunities
How long do the preparation courses last and how much do they cost?
» Duration, procedure, costs
Who are baccalaureate schools for adults suitable for?
» Target group
What do I need to consider when choosing a school?
» Course selection
Field report from a pupil
» Field report Regula Friedli
What are the advantages of these baccalaureate schools for adults?
» 10 advantages
What are the possible disadvantages of baccalaureate schools for adults?
» 5 Disadvantages
Catching up on the Matura ... Can I do it all?
» Self-test
What experiences have previous course participants had with the Matura School for Adults?
» Evaluation of training / experience

Redaktionelle Leitung:

Stefan Schmidlin, Bildungsberatung, Content-Team Modula AG


Website des Schweizerischen Sekretariats für Bildung, Forschung und Innovation SBFI , Website (offizielles schweizerisches Informationsportal der Studien-, Berufs- und Laufbahnberatung) sowie Websites und anderweitige Informationen der Berufsverbände und Bildungsanbieter.

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Preview of the video «4 Schritte zur richtigen Weiterbildung»
Preview of the video «Gute Gründe für die Matura für Erwachsene»
Preview of the video «Matura an der Academic Gateway AG»

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