NIV 15 Low-voltage connection permit (certified) (Brugg):
1 Provider
Sofort zur richtigen Weiterbildung
Education location / Brugg schools
Questions and answers
Do I also have to take an examination for the NIV 15 connection permit?
A total of eight examinations must be taken for the NIV 15 follow-up permit, either practical, or practical/oral, or oral and written for each part of the examination. Each examination lasts between 15 and 30 minutes, all examinations together take three hours.
What content is taught in an NIV 15 course?
A preparatory course for the NIV 15 connection permit includes acquiring knowledge and skills relating to the basics of electronics, standards and regulations on high- and low-voltage current ordinances, low-voltage installation ordinances, electricity laws, low-voltage electrical product ordinances, low-voltage installation standards (NIN), installation materials and equipment, safety devices and connection types, measurement technology, handling electricity including personal safety, occupational safety, maintenance and fire protection. For comprehensive information on the detailed content of continuing education, further training, please contact the relevant training institution directly using our contact form.
Are there any special requirements for taking the NIV 15 exam?
The examination according to Art. NIV 15 at the ESTI requires that you are of legal age (i.e. at least 18 years old) and have a Federal Diploma of Vocational Education and Training, e.g. as an assembly electrician Federal VET Diploma or electrician Federal VET Diploma.
In addition, the preparatory course for the examination must comprise at least 12 lessons and the course must have been completed no more than three years ago at the time of registration for the examination.
What qualification do I receive after an NIV 15 course?
After attending all the mandatory lessons, you will receive a course certificate which will enable you to take the examination of the Federal Inspectorate for Heavy Current Installations (ESTI). If you pass the exam, you will receive the "Connection permit in accordance with Art. 15 of the Ordinance on Low-Voltage Electrical Installations (NIV)", which authorizes you to connect and replace permanently connected electrical products, but not to work on the supply lines.
Is it also possible to obtain the NIV 15 license with a foreign professional qualification?
The Swiss Federal Inspectorate for Heavy Current Installations (ESTI) decides on the admission of persons with an electrical engineering education abroad (non-Swiss educational qualifications) who wish to take the NIV 15 examination and must be contacted directly by interested parties.
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