On the Process Technology HF course (formerly Technician HF Corporate Processes, specializing in logistics), you will acquire generalist and specialist knowledge and skills in key operational processes. This will enable you to successfully manage logistical tasks such as procurement, production, transportation, distribution, storage and disposal.
The course content can vary from provider to provider. As a rule, the following topics are covered:
The theory is taught with constant reference to practice and taking current trends into account.
Graduate process technicians HF can take on demanding and responsible tasks at lower to middle management level in industry and technology-related companies as well as in service and logistics companies. To this end, they observe, monitor and control existing processes, look for opportunities for optimization and take appropriate measures. The basis for this is provided by observations of the market situation (energy, resources, environment, etc.) and the analysis and evaluation of corresponding data. Furthermore, process technicians HF are important contacts for internal and external specialists, management, suppliers, acceptance companies and customers.