Fiduciary clerk continuing education, further training: What are the main disadvantages?

After completing the continuing education, further training in fiduciary services, you will be able to provide competent support to fiduciaries. You will have in-depth theoretical and practical knowledge in the most important areas of fiduciary services, in particular accounting, taxes, auditing and social insurance.

The main disadvantages of the Clerk Fiduciary continuing education, further training are:

  1. The qualification awarded after continuing education, further training as a fiduciary clerk is not a federal certificate, but it is recognized nationally. As an Edupool or STS certificate, the intermediate qualification in the form of association certificates is recognized in the industry at the level of fiduciary clerk and enjoys a high reputation.
  2. At certificate level, the course content and admission requirements are generally not regulated and can be determined autonomously by the schools. However, as these are examinations that are conducted and monitored by associations, there is a certain degree of regulation of these certificate examinations, at least within the individual titles offered.
  3. The costs of around CHF 4,000 to CHF 6,000 are not subsidized by the federal government, as the federal government's subject funding for this training only applies if the Federal Professional Examination is also completed at the end. However, the companies cover part of the costs.
  4. Even after the examination following the fiduciary clerk continuing education, further training, the learning does not stop: If you want to work as a qualified fiduciary, you must then take the Federal Professional Examination. This requires four years of professional experience in the fiduciary sector.


Graduates generally work in various companies as clerks.

Provider of a fiduciary clerk continuing education, further training