Social security clerk (certified) (Chur):
5 Provider
Sofort zur richtigen Weiterbildung
Education location / Schools Chur
Questions and answers
Are there admission requirements for social insurance clerk training?
As a rule, German language skills at level C1 as well as knowledge of basic arithmetic and proportional arithmetic must be demonstrated at the start of the continuing education, further training in social insurance. Attendance of at least 80 percent is usually a prerequisite for admission to the final examination. A flair for numbers, careful and accurate work and an interest in all topics relating to social insurance are of course also recommended.
The following are also recommended for the Clerk social insurance training:
- Two years of general professional experience
- First practical experience in the field of social insurance
- Completed (commercial) basic training (Federal VET Diploma) or equivalent qualification.
What content does a social insurance clerk course teach?
If the schools offer further training for social insurance clerks with an Edupool certificate, their learning content is based on the Edupool specifications:
- Basics of social security and social assistance
- 1st pillar (AHVG/IVG/ELG) and additional EOG (MSE/VSE), FamZG
- 2nd pillar (BVG/UVG) and additionally KVG/AVIG/daily sickness benefits insurance (VVG)
- Labor law and salaries
Schools that offer the social insurance clerk course with the school's own certificate are free to determine their own course content. There may therefore be differences between the individual providers.
What is the purpose of training as a social security administrator?
The purpose of the social insurance clerk training course is as follows:
- Solid knowledge in the areas of social insurance
- Work at the interface between labor law, human resources and payroll in the private sector or public administration
- competently answer questions about social insurance in Switzerland
- Knowledge gained at school can be applied immediately in everyday working life
- act independently in the field of social insurance and deal with practical problems as the situation demands
- First step on the way to becoming a social insurance specialist (professional examination)
What subjects are included in the VSK qualification in social security clerk?
The examination parts of the VSK diploma examination for social insurance clerks include:
- HRM basics, salary system
- Fundamentals of labor law
- Social insurances
These three areas of knowledge are tested in writing over four hours.
Which subjects are tested in the Edupool exam?
The examination parts of the Edupool examination "Social Insurance Clerk" consist of:
- Labor law and salaries
- Basics of social security and social assistance
- 1st pillar (AHVG/IVG/ELG) and additionally EOG (MSE/VSE), FamZG
- 2nd pillar (BVG/UVG) and additionally KVG/AVIG/daily sickness benefits insurance (VVG)
The parts of the exam may overlap in some cases and the order is not mandatory. The total examination time is three hours.
Edupool or VSK Diploma: What's the difference?
The difference between Edupool and VSK Diploma is the respective association that organizes and supervises the examination. Edupool is a quality label of the Swiss Commercial Association and has developed into the most important Swiss examination organization in the field of non-formal continuing education, further training in commerce. The VSK, the Association of Swiss Management Schools, is the largest and most experienced association of management schools. Conclusion: The training courses are very similar - but not the same.
How long does continuing education, further training in social insurance take?
The social insurance clerk continuing education, further training is not a federally regulated course, so the content, degree and duration can vary depending on the school. At most schools, however, this continuing education, further training takes about 2 semesters. Please enquire about the duration at the school of your choice.
For whom is further training as a social insurance administrator suitable?
The social insurance clerk course is aimed at people who already work for a health insurance or social insurance company and would like to improve their knowledge of social insurance. The target group also includes people who work in administration in SMEs, as well as people from accounting or human resources who would like to delve deeper into this subject. If you come from a completely different sector and have had no previous contact with the field of social insurance, this is not normally an obstacle to enrolling on the clerk course. It is best to enquire directly with the individual training providers about the target group.
What skills can be acquired with the social insurance clerk training?
The following skills can be acquired with the social insurance clerk course:
- Knowing, explaining and describing the historical, structural and legal contexts
- Applying the basics of social insurance in the area of contributions and benefits
- Creating and checking invoices
- Practical application of knowledge about interfaces between employment law and payroll accounting
- Naming and interpreting the most important key figures and statistics
- Explaining and justifying current trends and reforms within social policy
- Creating the basis for the professional certificate training course with a federal certificate (professional examination)
Tips, tests and information on "Social insurance clerk with diploma Edupool"
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