Shiatsu training: Vero Lüscher's experience report - training as a complementary therapist has also changed me as a person

Portrait-Foto Vero Lüscher
Vero Lüscher

Who are you and what do you do for a living?

My name is Vero Lüscher. I live in Bözberg and have two grown-up daughters. I am a special needs teacher by profession and have worked in education for many years.

Why a Shiatsu training?

A few years ago, I had a major life crisis. During this crisis, I came across Shiatsu, a form of therapy I had never heard of before. But I quickly realized that this body therapy was incredibly good for me and had a lot of benefits. That's why I decided to train in Shiatsu. Today I am training to become a Shiatsu therapist.

Shiatsu Ausbildung zur Komplementärtherapeutin

Why did you choose IKT as your school?

The Shiatsu therapist who had treated me at the time recommended the IKT as a training provider. I immediately registered with the IKT. To this day, I have not regretted it.

What do you particularly like about the IKT Institute?

I feel very well supported at the IKT Institute for my complementary therapy training in Shiatsu. The people I met there accepted me very well. They responded to me as a person. The training not only imparts a great deal of knowledge, but also changes you as a person. I now have a new and broader perspective. I have found myself better. I have become calmer. I have also changed a lot physically because I have an artificial knee joint, which is not really suitable for working as a Shiatsu therapist. You do a lot on your knees during the treatments. This didn't work so well at the beginning either. But thanks to all the practicing, I can now sit on my knees as normal - without feeling any restriction. This is another special side effect that amazed me. I am also fit because I move around a lot myself.

Ausbildung Shiatsu zur Komplementärtherapeutin

How does the complementary therapy training affect you in everyday life?

The complementary therapy training influences me to perceive other people differently. With Shiatsu, you first form an impression without interpretation. I have now adopted this for the rest of my life - also with the children in my curative education profession. It would have helped me a lot in the past, especially when dealing with disabled children. I think Shiatsu would be of enormous benefit to disabled people anyway. This is also where I see my focus for the future. As a Shiatsu therapist, I would like to work at least one day a week in a home with people with disabilities. I could also imagine doing this with people with autism spectrum disorder in order to gain access to their world.


What helped you most during your Shiatsu training?

Many people at the IKT helped me a lot during my Shiatsu training. Mona, the secretary, also helped me a lot - especially at the beginning when I was unsure about the curriculum. The lecturers also pick you up where you are. I also go to Shiatsu in person with a lecturer. He also accompanies me closely on my path at school. This is a great enrichment for me at the IKT. I keep noticing that people who attend this school are simply special. They have a high level of attentiveness, openness and tolerance towards others. I always go home very fulfilled after every course weekend.

Ausbildung Shiatsu

Were there any challenging moments for you during your complementary therapist training?

There were definitely challenging moments for me during my complementary therapist training in the Shiatsu method. At the beginning I had the feeling that I would never be able to learn it all. It takes time and trust. You just have to do it. You can really learn it. Especially in theory courses and basic knowledge in medicine, I really had to kneel down and learn. But you get good knowledge and today I'm grateful that I have it at my disposal.

Ausbildung Shiatsutherapie

Was it easy to complete the Shiatsu training alongside your everyday work and family life?

As my daughters are still studying, I completed the Shiatsu training part-time. However, this is easy to do. Thanks to the modular structure, you can organize yourself very well and many parts of the course take place at the weekend and partly online.

How did you find your clients?

In the beginning, my family were the main clients. But they are happy to do so, they think Shiatsu is the best thing I've ever done. When my daughters come home at the weekend, they immediately ask for a Shiatsu treatment, as it is so beneficial for them and brings them a lot. I now also have many friends as clients. However, through word of mouth, new clients who are not from my immediate environment are also joining me. For example, I now also treat people who have been diagnosed with a serious illness and sometimes come to me very upset. Shiatsu therapies can bring a lot of calm, stillness and grounding and simply be a companion.

Shiatsutherapie Ausbildung

How do you think the complementary therapy method works?

Shiatsu doesn't just work on a physical level, it works on different levels - physical, mental, psychological and spiritual. After my burnout, I was recommended shiatsu by many people in the clinic. In contrast to talk therapy, where you often have to painfully look directly at the problem, with Shiatsu you can simply be on the body level. Nevertheless, so much happens and creates change and hope. It simply adds another dimension. That's why, at the late age of 64, I decided to pursue Shiatsu as a career. This has also made me mindful and grateful. Shiatsu strengthens my clients' body awareness and creates space for change.

Komplementärtherapeutin-Ausbildung Shiatsu
Komplementärtherapie-Ausbildung Shiatsu








Overview of Shiatsu training providers

Overview of providers of complementary therapist training / complementary therapist training