Transpersonal - Spiritual Coaching (Cert.) (Willisau):
1 Provider
Sofort zur richtigen Weiterbildung
Education location / Willisau schools
Questions and answers
What is transpersonal coaching?
If "recognition and success" are the themes of classic coaching, then "authenticity and fulfillment" are the core themes of transpersonal coaching.
This is because the transpersonal coach looks beyond the personality to the levels of being and into the deep structure of their client. Transpersonal coaching is oriented towards the entire spectrum of human consciousness and uses techniques that support the client in their search for inner centering, serenity and finding their life's purpose.
What is the transpersonal soul?
The transpersonal soul can be experienced, while the religious soul refers to a kind of immortal identity. And psychology is largely concerned with the functioning of the psyche. At the same time, the transpersonal orientation sees a structure that replaces the ego identity in the development of consciousness as a place of inner vitality, freedom, capacity for suffering, healing power and intuition.
What is important in transpersonal psychology?
Ecstasy, spiritual experiences and borderline experiences in particular are the focus of interest. Transpersonal psychology and the transpersonal psychotherapy that builds on it aim to expand the classical approaches of psychology (especially depth psychology) and psychotherapy to include philosophical, religious and spiritual aspects. To describe and explain altered states of consciousness and the corresponding experience, the various approaches of transpersonal psychology also draw on genuine religious ideas, in particular aspects of Zen Buddhism, Sufism and Hinduism. Western psychological approaches are also used.
What is spiritual coaching?
Spiritual coaching requires a high level of sensitivity. Spiritual process guides accompany people on trance journeys, perform shamanic or Celtic rituals and also use elements of Huna philosophy. It is a process of remembering who we really are at our core. Beyond conditioning, imprints and opinions about ourselves. The burning longing within us is the common thread and it takes a clear view to find a solution.
What does transpersonal mean?
Transpersonal is a term used by various schools of philosophy and psychology to describe experiences and world views that transcend the personal level of the psyche and worldly events. Transpersonal psychology attempts to describe spiritual experiences and integrate them into existing modern psychological theoretical approaches.
What should a transpersonal coach be able to do?
A transpersonal coach should have the following skills:
- Transpersonal communication in coaching
- Anchoring the "now" as a resource
- Speaking, acting and releasing from the "field
- Dealing with the inner dialog - the voice
- Energy transfer between coach and coachee
- Transpersonal techniques from ancient cultures
- Zen Buddhism - the fast track
- Meditation techniques for advanced practitioners
- Yoga and meditation techniques from India
- Sufism and the power of attention
Spiritual coach or transpersonal coach?
A spiritual coach uses a form of coaching that is not based on a specific scheme, but happens spontaneously out of the presence of the shared field of consciousness. The transpersonal coach, on the other hand, is not committed to any particular spiritual tradition. He will not "impose" his own practice on the client, even if he may have a particular preference for meditation techniques or therapeutic methods. That is the difference.
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