Sugaring (Cert.)  (Zofingen):
1 Provider

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Sofort zur richtigen Weiterbildung

Altgraben 31
4624 Härkingen
Shaba AG - Sugaring training
Shaba® has been dedicated to hair removal with sugar gel since 1995 and offers professional courses. Because only the application of the optimal hand technique brings the superior results and makes the treatment largely painless. Let yourself be admired and become independent with the Shaba® method.

Professionalism and full support are the guidelines of our company.
Region: Aargau, Basel, Bern, Ostschweiz, Zentralschweiz
Sites: Luzern, Hasle, Richterswil, Einsiedeln, St. Gallen, Steinebrunn, Frauenfeld, Halten, Pratteln
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Schulen mit zertifizierter Bildungsberatung

Questions and answers

Sugaring and waxing are both methods of hair removal in which the hair and hair roots are removed. Regular treatment leads to finer, fewer and slower hair regrowth over time.

The competition between sugaring vs. waxing can be argued on the basis of various points:

  • Material: Sugaring is practiced using a thick, sticky mixture of natural and chemical-free ingredients such as sugar, water and lemon juice. Cold, warm or hot wax is used for waxing.
  • Pain: In contrast to waxing, the sugar paste in sugaring only sticks to the hair and not to living skin cells, which promises a practically pain-free application.
  • Skin irritation: Unlike waxing, sugaring removes the sugar paste in the direction of hair growth, which means fewer hairs are broken off. Ingrown hairs should also occur less frequently, which prevents skin irritation.
  • Effort: Sugaring is somewhat more time-consuming than waxing. This means that only small sections can be depilated beforehand.
  • Thoroughness: Wax sticks to the hairs comparatively better than sugar, which is why sugaring can result in areas that have already been "sugared" having to be treated repeatedly.

The combination of all-natural ingredients (sugar, water and lemon juice), the comparatively easy removal of the paste from the skin, as well as the tearing movement in the direction of hair growth offer efficient yet gentle hair removal that is gentle on the skin and practically irritation-free.

The lemon juice in the sugaring mixture has a protective and preservative effect. Sugar is also said to have antibacterial properties and have a healing effect on skin infections. The glycolic acid contained in the sugar is also said to protect against dehydration, which promises supple skin. By removing dead skin cells and thus preventing the ingrowth of small hairs, the paste acts as a kind of peeling.

These properties make the sugaring method particularly popular. It is therefore suitable for

  • For people who are sensitive to pain
  • For every skin type
  • For people with spider veins
  • For people with allergies
  • For hair removal on sensitive skin areas such as the face or genital area

However, people who suffer from neurodermatitis or those with scars should continue to be cautious and seek information and professional advice from an appropriate specialist, dermatologist, family doctor or directly from a beauty salon.

Sugaring is an ancient, natural hair removal method originating from the Orient, which Cleopatra is said to have practiced.

Halawa, a honey-like sugar paste made from water, lemon juice and sugar, is applied to the desired areas of the body.

The lukewarm sugar paste is applied to the desired areas of the body for hair removal using your fingers, a honey spoon or a so-called spatula, i.e. a kind of flat, handy scoop. Due to its thick consistency, the paste can be applied to practically any part of the body.

The honey-like mass is then removed again with isolated, jerky movements in the direction of hair growth. This prevents small hairs from breaking off easily and also achieves thorough hair removal. No additional material such as strips of paper or cloth is required for this, which can be a key environmental aspect.

Redaktionelle Leitung:

Stefan Schmidlin, Bildungsberatung, Content-Team Modula AG


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