Study abroad in France: providers, info, FAQs, experience report

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Would you like to learn French? Are you looking for a suitable provider for your language study trip to France? On you will quickly find numerous first-class language schools for your language travel to France:

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Language study trip to France - learning French made easy

Language trips broaden your horizons and combine learning with variety and vacation. And those who are relaxed are known to learn easier and faster. A language study trip to France therefore offers you the best conditions for learning French from scratch and putting all your new knowledge into practice straight away. Whether you're shopping, in a café, in a museum or talking to the locals, you'll be able to apply your knowledge and communicate in French everywhere during a language study trip, which is certainly the easiest, most effective and most interesting way to learn a language.


Which location is right for you certainly depends on many factors. For example, you may already have one or two favorites or you may already know very well that only one city is suitable for your language study trip. However, it is also quite possible that you have no preferences and are completely open to suggestions. In this case, you can narrow down your search for your language study trip in France by asking yourself a few questions and clarifying them for yourself. It is always helpful to know what you expect from the city you are traveling to. Are you primarily interested in a language course and learning the French language, or do you want a wide range of leisure activities? Do you want to go to a big city or would you prefer a rural idyll? Are you longing for sheer endless expanses or the warm waves of the Mediterranean?


There are first-class language schools in all locations for anyone who wants to learn a new language or improve their existing knowledge during a language study trip to France. They offer different French courses that vary in intensity and duration, such as standard courses, intensive courses or diploma courses. Of course, how much you ultimately learn always depends on you, your motivation and willingness to learn. But it also depends on other important factors, such as the qualifications and experience of the teaching staff. You can find more information on this in "What should I look out for when choosing a provider?".


A language school and a language course should always meet your own needs and expectations so that you can learn in a relaxed atmosphere. It is therefore important that you inform yourself thoroughly about all the important aspects of the language study trip and compare the individual offers. The target group of the schools and French courses is an important point of reference that will help you narrow down your choices. At the age of 28, you probably don't want to spend your language study trip in France exclusively with young people between the ages of 13 and 18, just as you don't want to spend most of your time with senior citizens when you're 18. The age grouping is certainly an important point if you want to meet like-minded people with whom you can enjoy chatting outside of course times.


Another point is the focus of the course. Find the course you are looking for and compare the general conditions for it among all the schools you are interested in. Class size, lesson duration and number of lessons are not the same everywhere. The infrastructure of the language schools in France should also be taken into account, as well as the training and further education of the individual teachers. What experience do they have and what qualifications do they have in teaching French to foreigners? It is also important to know what accommodation is available for language trips to France, how far it is from the school and what the transport links are like. Is it far from the sights, the beach and the city center? How many leisure activities are on offer and does the language school organize excursions or other activities for your language study trip in France? You can find out which other criteria are important when looking for the right French language school in the guide "How to find the right education provider" (see navigation point "Education help" above).

Questions and answers

According to the survey conducted by, people are interested in a business language study trip to France for a variety of reasons:

  • 98 % would like to clarify whether the course covers their needs.
  • 1 % have received a specific recommendation for this.
  • 1% of respondents have read in a job advertisement that knowledge of French is required.
Viele Sprachschulen in Frankreich bieten unterschiedliche Sprachkurse an, die sich an die unterschiedlichsten Altersgruppen und Zielgruppen richten. Für die meisten Sprachkurse gibt es ein Mindestalter, das eingehalten werden muss und bei 16 oder bei 18 Jahren liegt. Bei Business-Kursen müssen die Teilnehmer meist sogar 21 oder älter sein, da fundierte Französisch-Kenntnisse und ein gewissen Reifegrad vorausgesetzt wird. Einen Sprachaufenthalt in Frankreich kann jedoch auch für Jugendliche gebucht werden, die meist ein Mindestalter von 13 Jahren haben müssen. Diese speziellen Jugendsprachreisen richten sich ausschliesslich an Jugendliche bis 17 Jahren, in seltenen Fällen auch darüber hinaus und bieten volle Beaufsichtigung sowie Altersgerechtes Lernen und Freizeitprogramm. 

Doch auch für Personen im Erwachsenenalter finden sich immer mehr interessante Angebote für Sprachreisen nach Frankreich. So gibt es spezielle Französischkurse für die Altersstufen 30 + oder auch 50+, ebenso wie Spezialkurse, beispielsweise Wein und Sprache, bei denen der Altersdurchschnitt wesentlich höher liegt, als bei herkömmlichen Sprachreisen. Sollten Sie Wert darauf legen, mit möglichst vielen Gleichaltrigen einen Sprachkurs besuchen zu können, so ist Ihnen anzuraten, die Sprachschulen nach aktuellen Angeboten zu fragen, ganz einfach über unser Kontaktformular. Auf diese Weise finden Sie schnell und effektiv die passende Sprachschule und das richtige Kursprogramm für Ihren Sprachaufenthalt in Frankreich.

Bei einigen Sprachschulen, die Sie im Rahmen eines Sprachaufenthalts nach Frankreich besuchen können, werden spezielle Angebote offeriert, die neben einen Sprachkurs zudem andere Kurse als Ergänzung angeboten werden. Meist werden diese in einem Paket gebucht, so dass Sie beispielsweise in Bordeaux einen Kurs „Französisch und Wein“ besuchen können, in Vichy „Französisch und französische Kochkunst“ und in Biarritz „Französisch und Golf“. Neben solchen Spezialkursen, welche Freizeit und Sprache kombinieren, sind zudem Kombinationskurse möglich, welche verschiedenen Kursmodelle vereinen, etwa Gruppenunterricht und Einzelstunden oder Einzelstunden und Konversationsunterricht.
Bei Jugendsprachreisen wohnen Sprachschüler während des Sprachaufenthalts in Frankreich meistens entweder bei Gastfamilien oder auf dem Campus der Schule in einem Mehrbettzimmer. Die Unterbringungsmöglichkeiten richten sich nach den jeweiligen Schulen und Angeboten. Für Erwachsene besteht meist auch die Möglichkeit, in einer Gastfamilie unterzukommen, wobei es dabei mehrere Optionen gibt, unter denen Sie wählen können Diese umfassen in der Regel die Exklusivität (als einzelner Sprachschüler bei der Familie), den Komfort (Zimmer mit Bad), die Verpflegung (HP oder Selbstversorger) und die Zusatzleistungen (Wäsche waschen,…). Oftmals kommen Sprachschüler auch in Studentenhohnheimen der Sprachschule unter, in Wohngemeinschaften oder in Hostels.
Selbstverständlich können Sie auch bei einem Sprachaufenthalt in Frankreich einen Vorbereitungskurs besuchen, der Ihnen alles Wissenswerte rund um die Französischen Sprachdiplomprüfungen vermittelt. Solche Kurse haben meist eine Dauer von 3 bis 4 Wochen, können aber auch selbstverständlich auf einen längeren Zeitraum ausgerichtet werden. Im Normalfall schliessen Sie die Prüfung direkt in Frankreich ab, so dass Sie mit einem DELF- oder DALF-Zertifikat nach Hause kommen. Das DELF (Diplôme d›Etudes en Langue Française)kann auf den Niveaustufen A1, A2, B1 und B2 erworben werden, das DALF (Diplôme Approfondi de Langue Française) auf den Stufen C1 und C2. Auch die Diplome der Alliance Française sind weit verbreitet, wie CEFP1 (Certificat d'Etudes de Français Pratique 1) auf Niveau A2, das CEFP 2 (Certificat d'Etudes de Français Pratique 2) Niveau B1, das DL (Diplôme de Langue) auf Stufe B2und das DSLCF (Diplôme Supérieur Langue et Culture Françaises) auf Niveaustufe C1, doch werden Vorbereitungskurse für diese Prüfungen nur von sehr wenigen Sprachschulen angeboten. Sollten Sie eine dieser genannten bei einem Sprachaufenthalt in Frankreich abschliessen wollen, so sprechen Sie am besten direkt mit einigen Anbietern für Sprachreisen und fragen Sie direkt nach Schulen, bei denen Sie Diplomkurse für genau die von Ihnen gewünschte Sprachprüfung besuchen können.

According to our survey, schools are requested for French business language courses because...

  • 1 % already knew the school before the inquiry
  • 1 % have received a recommendation for school
  • 98% have read an online evaluation before requesting a school

Language schools in France offer their students the opportunity to decide individually how long a language course should last. As a rule, you can book a language study trip in France for as little as two weeks, with some schools even starting at one week. In most cases, the arrival days are fixed, often on Saturdays, so that you have some time to settle in before the course starts on Monday. If you are considering whether a week's language vacation is sufficient, you should bear in mind that you will only have five days of language lessons and not even a whole weekend to explore the surrounding area and relax a little. For this reason, most French schools require a minimum of two weeks. How long you want to attend a language school in France depends on how much time you have available and, of course, how much money you are prepared to spend. A year or more is certainly conceivable. Unlike conventional language courses, preparatory courses for a language study trip to France usually have fixed time frames. The duration of these exam preparation courses, for example for the DELF exams, can vary from school to school and lasts between 3 and 4 weeks, depending on your previous knowledge and the intensity of the course.

It is best to contact the providers of language travel programs in France directly.In this guideyou will find important information about language travel to France as well as valuable tips and a direct link to providers.

Redaktionelle Leitung:

Stefan Schmidlin, Bildungsberatung, Content-Team Modula AG


Website des Schweizerischen Sekretariats für Bildung, Forschung und Innovation SBFI , Website (offizielles schweizerisches Informationsportal der Studien-, Berufs- und Laufbahnberatung) sowie Websites und anderweitige Informationen der Berufsverbände und Bildungsanbieter.

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Haven't found the right training or further education yet? Benefit from educational advice now!

Further training is not only important in order to maintain or increase professional attractiveness, investing in training or further training is still the most efficient way to increase the chances of a pay rise.

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Your advantages:

You will receive

  • Suggestions for suitable courses, seminars or training programs based on the information you provide in the questionnaire
  • An overview of the different levels and types of education
  • Information about the Swiss education system

We offer our educational counseling in the following languages on request: French, Italian, English

Register now and concretize your training plans.


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Linguista language courses
(5,6) Excellent 27 27 Ratings (100% )
Are you ready for the best time of your life?
For over 35 years, Linguista Sprachaufenthalte has been your reliable partner when it comes to organizing language study trips worldwide with enthusiasm and passion for languages and travel. We maintain a trusting and long-standing working relationship with our international partner schools, guaranteeing you a high standard of quality and great flexibility. Our team consists of proven language travel specialists, all of whom are experienced travelers and have of course been on several language study trips themselves. We provide you with free, comprehensive and competent advice. We know how to respond to the individual wishes of our customers and plan each language study trip individually and tailored to their learning goals, previous knowledge and personal needs.
Strengths: Linguista offers free advice on language study trips for all ages and language goals. Our staff have been on site and know the partner schools personally. Benefit from our know-how.
Region: Aargau, Basel, Bern, Ostschweiz, Zentralschweiz, Zürich
Sites: Aarau, Basel, Bern, Luzern, Winterthur, Zürich
Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
British Council
English UK
Quality English
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Selnaustrasse 30
8001 Zürich
EF Sprachaufenthalte und Kulturaustausch Weltweit
Experience, competence and service are top priorities at EF! Since 1965, more than 3 million language students have chosen to learn a language abroad with EF. Today, we are one of the world's largest private organizers of language stays and language travel. We think that's not without reason! At our own language schools in 50 fascinating destinations, we offer a varied program for all language levels and all age groups. Since 2008, we have also been working successfully with the University of Cambridge ESOL - with further benefits for our customers.
Strengths: Own EF language schools and EF learning method / Over 55 years of experience / Organization from A-Z / Guaranteed learning success / Own app during your stay
Region: Aargau, Basel, Bern, Liechtenstein, Ostschweiz, Tessin, Westschweiz, Zentralschweiz, Zürich
Sites: Basel, Bern, Fribourg, Genf, Lausanne, Lugano, Luzern, St. Gallen, Zürich
Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
British Council
English UK
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Bahnhofplatz 4
8001 Zürich
ESL - Language courses
(5,2) Very good 70 70 Ratings (97% )
Language stays, internships abroad & gap year programs worldwide.
Languages are like a key to a new world. They help us to understand other cultures and broaden our own horizons. Languages are also an absolute plus point for any CV. For over 20 years, ESL - Language Study Abroad has been offering life-changing educational opportunities abroad for young and old. In addition to tailor-made language courses abroad and courses to obtain official language certificates, we also offer gap year programs including internships, traineeships or studies abroad. In addition to the standard languages English, French and Italian, we also offer more exotic languages such as Korean, Japanese and Arabic.
Strengths: Personal support before, during and after your language study trip / More than 20 languages and 250 destinations worldwide / Over 20 years of experience in the language travel sector.
Region: Aargau, Basel, Bern, Ostschweiz, Tessin, Westschweiz, Zentralschweiz, Zürich
Sites: Aarau, Basel, Bellinzona, Bern, Freiburg, Genf, Lausanne, Locarno, Lugano, Luzern, Montreux, Neuenburg, Serfontana - Chiasso, Sitten, St. Gallen, Zürich
Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
English UK
Quality English
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Vordere Vorstadt 8
5001 Aarau
BIKU Languages AG
Are you demanding? Do you expect the best quality? Are you not satisfied with average performance? Then BIKU Languages is the right place for you! We have specialized in language travel worldwide since 1986 and can help you find the language school that suits you best. We offer you the original prices of the schools and take care of the administrative work for you. You will be advised by a person who knows all the schools and has visited them personally.
Region: Aargau
Sites: Aarau
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Talweg 52
8707 Uetikon am See
Agency Switzerland Westbourne Academy GmbH
The Westbourne Academy is located in the south of England and is recognized by the British Council. Thanks to a high level of word-of-mouth advertising, very low prices can be offered. At the same time, above-average examination results have been achieved for years.

For French, Spanish, Italian and school courses, the Swiss agency works with first-class partner schools.
Region: Zürich
Sites: Uetikon am See
Bohl 2
9000 St. Gallen
Pro Linguis - StudyLingua Group
Pro Linguis has been arranging language courses since 1955, making it the oldest and most experienced Swiss agency for language courses. The renowned company offers classic language courses in 11 languages in almost 40 different countries. Let the Pro Linguis team advise you - we will find the perfect offer for young people, adults or families. Be it a language stay, an exchange year, a Work & Study Experience or a bridging offer for studying abroad. We will make your stay abroad an unforgettable experience! Pro Linguis is part of the StudyLingua Group.

The in-house language school "StudyLingua Sprachschule" offers group courses and private lessons in over 40 different languages in the heart of Zurich. All our teachers are native speakers and are passionate about teaching their respective languages! Thanks to our needs analysis and small class sizes of a maximum of four participants, each course is tailored to the wishes of our participants.
Strengths: Competent and free advice | Guaranteed best prices thanks to original prices from local language schools | Pro Linguis knows all language schools personally | Provider with over 65 years of experience
Region: Ostschweiz, Zürich
Sites: Basel, Bern, St. Gallen, Zürich
Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
English Australia
Quality English

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