Brief description of the Bachelor of Business Administration (FH) degree program

Studying business administration at a university of applied sciences is a good basis for a career in middle to senior management in larger companies. The Bachelor of Business Administration degree programmes are industry-neutral and the optional specializations allow students to specialize, e.g. in banking, controlling, tourism, public management, insurance, etc.

Requirements Bachelor of Business Administration:

Vocational baccalaureate type business and services or other baccalaureate and one year of professional experience or graduation from a higher technical college for business

Duration and form:

3 years as a full-time course, 4 years as a part-time course


Bachelor of Science FH in Business Administration

Bachelor of Business Administration:

Consecutive Master's degree course leading to a Master of Science, e.g. in Accounting, Banking, Communication or International Management or postgraduate MAS course for further in-depth study and specialization

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Schools that offer Bachelor of Business Administration courses