CAS in Compliance and Regulation (FH) (Rapperswil):
1 Provider
Sofort zur richtigen Weiterbildung
Education location / Schools Rapperswil Jona
Questions and answers
Who can take part in compliance training/further training?
The admission requirements for compliance training/education/courses or seminars may vary from provider to provider.
For a CAS, i.e. Certificate of Advanced Studies at university of applied sciences level, a university degree and relevant professional experience are generally required.
Educational pathways via higher vocational training and many years of relevant practical experience can be recognized via the "Sur Dossier" route, i.e. individual assessment of the curriculum vitae by the course director.
For binding information on the respective admission requirements, please contact the provider of your choice directly.
Who is the target group for compliance training/education?
Compliance training/further training is primarily aimed at specialists and managers who deal with this topic in their work. This also includes board members, auditors, lawyers and senior civil servants.
What is meant by compliance culture?
The term compliance culture refers to a company's behavior and basic attitude that it communicates to all company participants, suppliers and customers. The aim is to convey the importance that a company attaches to observing and complying with rules. At the same time, it is also intended to promote compliant behavior.
As a rule, the compliance culture is also set out in the Code of Conduct, published on a company's intranet and used in external (public) communication.
What are the benefits of compliance training/further training?
In a compliance training/continuing education/course, you will gain basic knowledge of compliance and regulation. As a rule, the following general topics are covered:
- Compliance management
- Compliance communication
- Compliance risks: prevention of corruption, money laundering and fraud, antitrust law
- Handling and application of compliance tools
Depending on the course, you can also choose specialization options, such as compliance in human resources.
What is the goal of compliance?
Above all, compliance pursues primary objectives, such as minimizing risks for companies and thus protecting the company. It also aims to increase efficiency and effectiveness. It therefore also has economic effects, as breaching compliance regulations can have far-reaching consequences and repercussions. In addition to fines, a loss of reputation must also be expected.
Those responsible not only face consequences under employment law, such as dismissal, but can also be sentenced to fines and/or imprisonment by the courts.
What is the image of compliance training/courses?
In the course of the increasing challenges for companies in the area of compliance, the demand for graduates of compliance training/courses is correspondingly high and will probably continue to increase in the future.
They not only have the necessary specialist knowledge, but also the equally necessary professional experience. This enables them not only to identify the relevant fields of action, but also to identify risks in good time.
Furthermore, they can assess whether a company already has sufficient compliance structures or a compliance management system (CMS) or whether there is a need to develop, update or adapt one.
Why is compliance important? What are the consequences of non-compliance?
If compliance is not adhered to, i.e. legal requirements and/or internal company rules are violated (non-compliant behavior), far-reaching consequences can be expected. These can include the absorption of profits, fines or the denial of the profit made as a result of the breach of the law. In addition to the feared damage to image/loss of reputation, there are also internal and/or external costs for legal proceedings and/or claims for damages.
Employees who violate the law must also expect appropriate consequences, such as imprisonment and/or fines, dismissal or claims for damages.
Erfahrungen, Bewertungen und Meinungen zur Ausbildung / Weiterbildung
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