Which activities appear in automotive workshop coordinator job advertisements and how often? What is required?

Job advertisements for Automotive Workshop Coordinator contain all the requirements that a company places on new employees for the vacancy. Jobseekers will find all the important information about the position they are looking for in the job advertisements, such as

  • the activities
  • the requirements (previous education, professional experience, personal skills and characteristics)
  • Further employer information

This information on the job of automotive workshop coordinator varies from company to company. We have collected the information from relevant job advertisements on various job platforms, looked at it and compiled it for you*:


Different job descriptions:

  • Automotive Workshop Coordinator
  • Workshop Manager Automotive
  • Service Coordinator Automotive Industry
  • Automotive workshop foreman
  • Technical Coordinator
  • Service advisor automotive industry
  • Workshop Manager Automotive
  • After-Sales Manager Automotive Industry
  • Technical Operations Manager, Technical Operations Manager Automotive Division
  • Repair coordinator automotive industry
  • Customer service coordinator in the automotive sector


Distribution of the individual tasks in an Automotive Workshop Coordinator job:

Coordination and planning of workshop orders:

  • Acceptance of repair orders
  • Planning and assigning repair and maintenance orders to the mechanics
  • Monitoring progress and ensuring on-time completion
approx. 30% of the time

Communication with customers:

  • Advice and information on repairs, costs and time frames
  • Receiving customer feedback and processing complaints
approx. 20% of the time

Quality assurance and control:

  • Monitoring the repair quality
  • Ensuring compliance with standards and regulations

approx. 15% of the time

Ordering and management of spare parts:

  • Ensuring the availability of spare parts
  • Communication with suppliers and warehouse management
approx. 15% of the time

Employee management and development:

  • Training and further education for the workshop team
  • Conducting performance reviews and appraisals
approx. 10% of the time

Administrative tasks:

  • Creation of reports and statistics
  • Budget planning and control
approx. 5% of the time

Technical support and advice: supporting the workshop team with complex technical problems

approx. 5% of the time

Requirements mentioned in job advertisements for a job as automotive workshop coordinator

Professional requirements
  • Completed vocational training in the automotive sector (e.g. automotive mechatronics technician, automotive specialist, etc.)
  • Completed further training as an automotive workshop coordinator with a federal certificate
  • Several years of professional experience in the automotive industry, ideally in a workshop environment
Expertise for a job Automotive Workshop Coordinator
  • Experience in employee management and development
  • In-depth understanding of automotive technology and repair procedures
  • Knowledge of current safety and environmental standards in the industry
  • Good knowledge of German and foreign languages as required
  • Familiarity with workshop management software and common Office applications
Personal characteristics
  • Communication skills and customer service orientation
  • Organizational skills
  • Leadership qualities and ability to work in a team
  • Flexibility, independence and a proactive way of working
  • Willingness for continuous further training
Other Job Automotive Workshop Coordinator
  • Good oral and written communication skills
  • Ability to communicate effectively with both the workshop team and customers
  • Ability to coordinate and prioritize multiple tasks simultaneously
  • Detail orientation and problem-solving skills
  • Ability to motivate and lead a team
  • Ability to work independently and make decisions

By the way:Here you will find informative links on the subject of job advertisements and job searches:

*The information listed here comes from an ad hoc study to give you a unique insight into the job market concerned. So that you know what is currently required in an Automotive Workshop Coordinator job.

Schools with training for an automotive workshop coordinator job