Head of Facility Management and Maintenance: What are the main disadvantages?

Heads of Facility Management and Maintenance with a federal diploma manage the operational area of building management and maintenance. They manage and maintain buildings, facilities and equipment and take measures to ensure occupational safety.

The main disadvantages of a Head of Facility Management and Maintenance training are:

  1. As training to become a Head of Facility Management and Maintenance with a federal diploma usually takes place over three to four semesters while working, good time management is required. In addition, the training is combined with a management function, which further tightens the time budget.
  2. The diploma is still little known when applying to foreign employers, which can be a disadvantage in the application process. As a rule, university degrees are preferred. However, management and maintenance managers are sought after in companies in all sectors.
  3. Facility management and maintenance managers must be flexible, as working hours can vary greatly depending on the company and industry. The demands on quality awareness are very high and require technical skills and good organizational abilities. Even in difficult times, employees must be motivated and managed.
  4. The pressure to pass the annual federal final examinations is high. However, during your training, you will be specifically prepared for this through mock exams and learning checks.


Heads of Facility Management and Maintenance work in middle to senior management positions. They can work in a wide range of fields. These include service activities in the real estate industry, in manufacturing companies, hospitals, care homes or in the hotel industry.

Training provider of a Head of Facility Management and Maintenance training program