Personality and life coach (certified) (Schaffhausen):
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Questions and answers
Life Coach Switzerland: Can you become a life coach without training?
The professional titles of life coach, life counselor, life coach or personality coach are not protected in Switzerland. Therefore, in contrast to other professional groups, there are hardly any legal barriers - not even a duty of confidentiality (secret, particularly sensitive personal data or personality profiles are, however, subject to the duty of confidentiality). In principle, therefore, any life coach in Switzerland can call themselves a life coach and offer a corresponding service - regardless of whether they work as a life coach without training. Legally, however, this creates a relationship of trust. Trust in life coaches is certainly greater if they have completed further life coach training or life coach training. Anyone who is aiming for a serious life coach career should therefore also learn life coaching.
Coaching Life: How can I find a life coach?
If you want to do life coaching, you quickly ask yourself "How can I find a life coach?". They should be good and I should be able to trust them. Competence, consulting experience, openness and structure are also important. When it comes to making trustworthy decisions in life, we usually rely on word of mouth - or, in the modern world, on online reviews. So it can make sense to look for a life coach online. The proof of a learned life coach profession is usually verifiable training, available certificates or membership in a coaching association. Check this and read customer references. Ultimately, however, only trial and error will help, because you cannot control interpersonal relationships, they have to work on their own.
Important prerequisites for a good life coach are
- View of human nature and good knowledge of human nature
- Professional and consulting experience
- Empathy
- Willingness to engage with your own person
- Ability to self-reflect
- Well-developed network
Life coaching: What do you learn in a life coach training course?
In a life coach training course you learn the following about life coaching:
- Starting work as a life coach
- Life Coach Meaning, coaching others
- Definition and differentiation from business coaching, psychosocial counseling, therapy, life coaching, etc.
- Life coaching topics such as work-life balance, sensi
- Core topics of life coaching - clarifying and shaping life plans
- Life Coach Methods
- Learning areas and success factors
- Tools for life coaching
- Behavior and attitude
- Life mission
- Working with the inner child
- Energetic groundwork
- Practice management
Becoming a life coach: Which coaching training is the best?
The answer to the question "Which coaching training is the best" is very individual. However, if you want to become a life coach, you should ask yourself the following questions when choosing your life coach training:
- What is the content of the life coaching training?
- Where is the life coaching training and how do I get there?
- How much time does the life coach training take?
- How much does it cost to become a life coach?
- Will I receive a life coach certificate or diploma?
- Are there life coach training experiences from other people who have made them publicly available via online reviews or testimonials?
Live Coach: What are the Life Coach training costs?
Life coaching training costs different amounts depending on the structure and scope. This means that you should budget between several hundred and four thousand francs for life coach training. Depending on the course, meals and accommodation may also be included in the costs. The examination fees for the federal certificates and industry diplomas may also be incurred separately for the life coach.
Coach Life: Which coaching training is the right one?
The question "Which coaching training is the right one?" can be answered by defining the key data of the training:
- Life coach certification required (bso, EASC, ECA, ICF, SCA and others)
- Life Coach Prerequisites - What is required to attend the course and pass an exam? Would I be admitted?
- What learning methods, teaching methods and materials are used in life coach training?
- Which training model appeals to me and what is the size of the class?
- What experience do the lecturers of the respective life coach courses have?
- Do I feel comfortable there? Do I still need a personal interview or a trial lesson?
Life coach training Switzerland: What coaching training courses are available?
The following coaching courses are available as part of Life Coach Training Switzerland:
- Life coach training (life coach with school diploma e.g. NGL)
- Life coaching training with an association qualification or association diploma (e.g. Coach bso from the Swiss Professional Association for Coaching, Organizational Consulting and Supervision as a widely recognized national quality standard or ECA - Professional Association of Professional Coaches in Europe or SCA Swiss Professional Association of Professional Coaches and Company Mentors)
- Life coach training with hybrid teaching (mix of online and face-to-face learning)
- Life balance coach training (focus on work-life balance)
- Life Coach Course
- Life Coach Seminar (mostly weekend seminars)
- Life coach training online
- Life coach course online
- Coaching training in conjunction with EASC certificate (European Association for Supervision and Coaching or ICF International Coach Federation - internationally recognized)
- Further training for the federal diploma for counselors in the psychosocial field (higher professional examination for the federal diploma, the preliminary stage is usually the professional examination for company mentors with a federal certificate) or federally certified supervisor/coach
Lifecoach: Which coaches are there?
The following coaches are active as life coaches:
- Life Coach
- Life Balance Coach, Work-Life-Banalce-Coach
- Life counselor
- Personality coach, personal coach
- Relationship coach
- Stress coach, conflict coach
- Mental coach, well-being coach
- Illness coach, health coach
- Systemic coach
Tips, tests and information on "Life coach (cert.)"
Erfahrungen, Bewertungen und Meinungen zur Ausbildung / Weiterbildung
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- Suggestions for suitable courses, seminars or training programs based on the information you provide in the questionnaire
- An overview of the different levels and types of education
- Information about the Swiss education system
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