Degree, diploma and title
How does the professional examination for "ICT Platform Development Specialist (formerly ICT System and Network Technician) with federal certificate" work?
The professional examination consists of four parts:
- General professional skills ICT (weighting 20%): written, 3 hours
- Planning the operation of ICT systems and networks (weighting 20%): written, 2 hours
- Setting up ICT systems and networks (weighting 40%): written, 4 hours
- Operating ICT systems and networks (weighting 20%): written, 3 hours
Here are some general success factors on the way to a new training qualification:
- Interest in the topic and active participation in class
- Bring in your questions, don't leave anything half-understood in the room
- Regular preparation and follow-up of the lesson material
- Committed cooperation in group work, case studies etc.
- Participation in learning groups for regular exchange
- Practicing exam situations, e.g. in simulation exams
Diploma and title
Those who pass the professional examination receive a federal certificate and may use the following recognized and protected title:
"ICT Platform Development Specialist with federal certificate"
The recommended English translation is "ICT-Platform Development Specialist, Federal Diploma of Higher Education".