Accounting Clerk / Accounting Assistant / Accounting Assistant (Certified) (Boxes):
11 Provider
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Education location / Schools Buchs
Questions and answers
What does an accounting clerk do?
An accounting clerk works in the following areas:
- Accounting
- Balance sheet and income statement
- Cost center accounting and wage calculations
- Dunning and tax law
- Dealing with known key figures
- Other administrative activities
Accounting Clerk Edupool: What skills do I have with the degree?
The Accounting Clerk Edupool course provides a solid foundation for working as an accounting clerk in a company's financial and operational accounting department. The continuing education, further training course Accounting Clerk Edupool enables graduates to acquire the following skills:
- Carry out financial accounting tasks independently
- Correct application of basic knowledge in social insurance
- Security in dealing with VAT regulations
- Collaboration in the annual financial statements and support in the financial management of the company
With the Accounting Clerk Edupool qualification, simple bookkeeping tasks can be managed independently, including posting, filing, payment processing, dunning and VAT accounting. For more complex tasks such as preparing budgets, monthly or quarterly financial statements, balance sheets and income statements, the clerks provide effective support. The Edupool diploma in Accounting Clerk provides access to higher professional education in the form of a Federal Professional Examination and creates the basis for the Fiduciary Clerk training course.
Accounting clerk distance learning course: What does it look like?
A distance learning course to become an accounting clerk teaches the course content in the form of structured self-study and therefore does not require attendance at a school. This means that the course can be completed at any time and from any location. The individual study program takes about the same amount of time as the classroom-based course. Of course, if someone invests a lot of time in training, the distance learning course to become an accounting clerk can also be completed in less time. Thanks to its high degree of flexibility, a distance learning course offers a good work-life balance. Other advantages include lower costs, equal recognition and the respect of many employers. However, distance learning also requires good planning, perseverance and a lot of self-motivation. The exchange with other students, group work and building a network is more difficult with this form of learning. When choosing your form of education, be honest with yourself and consider your needs and your learning style. Then you will find it easier and more relaxed to complete your studies to become an accounting clerk.
What are the tasks in accounting clerk jobs?
The tasks in accounting clerk jobs are:
- Independent management of simple customer accounts
- Post accounts payable, accounts receivable and possibly general ledger
- Preparing quarterly and annual financial statements
- Initiate payments
- handle the dunning process
- Processing tax returns
- Can independently carry out fiduciary processing tasks for mandates
- Provide qualified support in more complex fiduciary cases
What are the target groups for continuing education, further training for accounting clerks?
The continuing education, further training in accounting (accounting assistant) is suitable for the following people:
- Employees in accounting
- Newcomers, career changers or those returning to accounting
- People who would like to acquire and certify their accounting clerk skills through continuing education, further training in accounting clerk
- Persons who wish to train as a specialist in finance and accounting with a Federal Diploma of Higher Education and do not yet meet the admission criteria
- Trainees or self-employed persons who want to acquire comprehensive specialist knowledge in accounting
Do you see yourself in this target group? Then you should seriously consider continuing education, further training in accounting.
What are the requirements for training as an accounting clerk?
The requirements for an accounting clerk course are usually a business degree, a commercial diploma or an equivalent qualification as well as knowledge of accounting. However, the admission requirements vary depending on the training provider. Check with the individual schools to find out which prerequisites are required for training as an accounting clerk. In some cases, admission "sur dossier" is also possible.
What career opportunities are there for accounting clerks?
As an Accounting Clerk you have the following opportunities:
- Specialist in finance and accounting with a federal certificate
- Fiduciary with federal certificate
- Business economist HF
- Legal specialist HF
What is the difference between bookkeeping and accounting?
The difference between bookkeeping and accounting is explained quite simply. Bookkeeping refers to an organizational unit of a company that is responsible for bookkeeping. Accounting, on the other hand, is a branch of business administration with the aim of monitoring the flow of goods and money.
Why did people interested in the further education course "Accounting Clerk (Accounting Assistant)" enquire about a specific school or several schools?
As the results of the survey commissioned by the education platform among people interested in this course show, online evaluations are the main source of information for 51% of those interested in the course. 27% of those interested in the course already know the school from which they request additional information for the accounting clerk course. Based on recommendations, 22% order their information about schools and the courses they offer. Other reasons for ordering detailed school information are indicated by various free text responses from survey participants: "course times", "online search results", "location is ideal for me", "internet", "because it is closest", "no specific reason", "came across it on the internet", "by chance", "close to where I live", "Google search", "due to online courses", "by searching the web" and "close to where I live and work", "interested in online study", "location", "location close to home", "close to where I live", "discovered online, haven't read any reviews yet", "looking for, preferably, online courses", "already completed CT there", "came across it while browsing and think it's a good offer", "further education as I want to work in Switzerland" and "individual coaching appealed to me".
What can I achieve with the accounting clerk training?
According to former participants, you can achieve the following with accounting clerk training:
- Get a taste of accounting
- Build up a foundation in accounting processing
- Acquire basic knowledge in accounting administration
- What you have learned can be put into practice straight away in everyday office life
- Gain more safety in daily work
- Find a job as a career changer or returnee
- Preparation for external examination
- Gain a foothold in accounting as an accounting clerk
- Provide the impetus for completing the social insurance specialist certificate
What do I need to become an accounting clerk?
To become an accounting clerk, you should ideally have the following qualities:
- Flair for numbers
- Accuracy
- Reliability
- Confidentiality
- Loyalty
If you have these qualities, you will find both your training and your later work in accounting easier.
How do I become an accounting clerk?
You can become an accounting clerk with specific training:
- Awareness and image
- professional benefit
- Skills and perspectives
- 10 advantages
- Wages
- Experience participantsandExperience report from course leaders
- Self-test
- AdvisorField of education Accounting, controlling, fiduciary services
What do participants learn in continuing education, further training in accounting?
In continuing education, further training in accounting provides participants with sound specialist knowledge in:
- Financial accounting
- Value added tax
- Social insurances
- Financial management
- Cost accounting
In short, the Accounting Clerk course provides the necessary knowledge to be able to carry out qualified and operational work in financial and management accounting independently.
How long does training as an accounting clerk take?
The accounting clerk course usually lasts 2 semesters - i.e. 1 year. It is usually completed while working. However, depending on the intensity of the course, the training can also take up to two years. Please contact the training institutes directly for the exact duration.
Why are prospective students interested in the "Accounting Clerk (Accounting Assistant)" course?
According to a survey conducted by, 71% of those interested in the accounting clerk course are considering whether the course is really the best choice for their future career. 17% show interest in the course on the education platform because it is frequently mentioned in job advertisements. 12 % enquire about the further training course in accounting due to a recommendation. In our experience, people interested in the course value the accounting clerk course as an intermediate qualification on the way to becoming a finance and accounting specialist. But it is also appreciated by those who have been working in the field for many years without a qualification, as survey participants confirm with their statements "...I didn't pass the federal accountant exam X years ago, this intermediate qualification didn't exist back then", "it's just about time :-)", "to deepen my knowledge", "changing jobs after 10 years in the field requires a diploma" and "the days of "generalist accountants" are over". However, training is also a good option for career changers, as the answers "retraining for health reasons", "I want to work in the finance/accounting world" and "come from accounting, want to return to my profession and need to refresh my knowledge" show. Others simply want to develop further: "I would like to complete this course as I already work in a fiduciary office and would like to continue my education", "interested in further training", "I would like a career change and have already completed the Commercial School 1 course at school", "moving to Switzerland to be with my boyfriend", "commercial degree and interested in finance", "promotion", "after entering this field of activity", "am a numbers person" and "very interested in the job market in this specialist area".
Accounting clerk salary: Is there a pay rise after graduation?
The accounting clerk qualification is a diploma from the VEB association, the VSK association or the association. The value of the training lies more in the confirmation of appropriate qualifications for a clerical job in accounting than in a salary increase. The degree opens up subsequent career development opportunities through admission to the professional examination for specialists in finance and accounting. According to surveys conducted by, only around a third of graduates were able to benefit from an immediate pay rise. There will certainly also be subsequent salary increases if further professional experience with the new qualifications is gained after graduation. You can calculate your salary opportunities with the statistical online salary calculator. Anyone who completes the professional examination following the accounting clerk training will definitely have a positive impact on their salary development. The motivation for attending this further training should therefore not only be a higher salary. After all, by expanding your personal skills, attending further training also offers you better opportunities on the job market and thus the possibility of a more exciting job.
Accounting clerk self-study: How much time does it take?
In addition to the 4 to 8 hours of classroom instruction per week, the Accounting Clerk course requires additional time for individual study. The weekly learning effort for self-study in the continuing education, further training accounting clerk is a further 3 to 4 hours per week at home. This learning includes regular preparation and revision of the course material, solving case studies, dedicated participation in group work as well as learning group work for regular exchanges and targeted preparation for examinations. A detailed training concept for each subject sets out the intended learning objectives and content. This gives students a good overview of what needs to be completed at home during the accounting clerk self-study course. Of course, lecturers also point out useful supplementary learning content.
How much does an accounting clerk earn?
An accounting clerk earns 5,325 francs per month. The salary range of the majority of the salaries surveyed is between 4,580 and 6,065 francs. The average gross annual salary for accounting clerks is therefore just under 70,000 francs.
Tips, tests and information on "Accounting clerk with Edupool certificate"
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Course evaluations from participants on
Ich habe sehr profitiert und fühlte mich auf die Prüfung gut vorbereitet; besonders geschätzt habe ich, dass die Dozentinnen und Dozenten sich viel Zeit für unsre Fragen genommen haben - auch nach dem Unterricht und sogar noch per Mail
Organisation (6.0) | |
Lecturers (6.0) | |
Learning content (6.0) | |
Training methodology (5.0) | |
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Der Lehrerin und Lehrer sind alle verantwortlich. Ich habe im Kurs viel gelernt. Die Internet-Fernunterrichte waren von der Lehrpersonen so gut vorbereitet. Ich kann nur die Weiterbildung von BWZ Rapperswil empfehlen.
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Das BWZ in Rapperswil kann ich in jeder Hinsicht empfehlen für diesen Lehrgang. Habe mich wohl gefühlt mit den super kompetenten sehr freundlichen Lehrern. Man konnte zu jeder Zeit allen Thema nachfragen und es wurde geduldig nochmals erklärt. Auch die sehr kurzfristige Umstellung auf Online-schooling hat einwandfrei geklappt. Die Lehrmittel waren aktuell und wir haben einiges an zusätzlichem Material erhalten. Einen weiteren Lehrgang würde ich wieder in dieser Schule buchen.
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Infrastructure (6.0) |
Es war eine lernreiche, kurzweilige Zeit. Herr Koch zeigt ein riesiges Engagement. Er leitet die Schule und vermittelt mit so viel Freude, dass man in allen Fächern den "Plausch" bekam.
Organisation (6.0) | |
Lecturers (5.0) | |
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Infrastructure (4.0) |
Die Wirtschaftsschule hat mir sehr gut gefallen. Ich habe sehr viel gelernt und es hat sich gelohnt. Es wäre nicht schlecht in Zukunft die Theorie noch mehr mit der Praxis zu verbinden. In Lockdown hat der Onlineunterricht sehr gut funktioniert, für alle war es etwas Neues und trotzdem hat es sehr gut geklappt.
Organisation (6.0) | |
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Training methodology (4.0) | |
Infrastructure (6.0) |
Kaufmännische BMS (2017) und Sachbearbeiter Rechnungswesen (2020). Bin rundum zufrieden und habe also wirklich nur gute Erinnerungen an diese Schule. Kann sie also sicherlich weiterempfehlen. Jeder Referent hat auf seine eigen Art und Weise unterichtet, was ich sehr abwechselnd und hilfreich fand.
Organisation (5.0) | |
Lecturers (5.0) | |
Learning content (5.0) | |
Training methodology (5.0) | |
Infrastructure (6.0) |
War alles durchwegs positiv. Der Lehrgang gab mir Sicherheit bei meinen Arbeiten und hat mir den Antrieb gegen noch einen Lehrgang zu machen. Mittlerweile auch den Fachausweis als Sozialversicherungsfachfrau im 2019 absolviert und bestanden.
Organisation (6.0) | |
Lecturers (5.0) | |
Learning content (6.0) | |
Training methodology (5.0) | |
Infrastructure (5.0) |
Intensivtraining Rechnungswesen (60 Lektionen): Der Lehrgang war zweckmässig und zielführend. Die Lehrkraft hat es ausserordentlich gut geschafft, die grosse Fülle an Lernstoff kompetent, interessant und motivierend zu vermitteln.
Organisation (5.0) | |
Lecturers (6.0) | |
Learning content (6.0) | |
Training methodology (6.0) | |
Infrastructure (6.0) |
Im Allgemeinen gut. Leider war die Modulprüfung im April 19 nicht optimal. Zuwenig bereitgestellte Tische für alle Prüfungsteilnehmer. Dank Frau Mathys wurde dies rasch organisiert. Falsch verteilte Prüfungen bei den Sachbearbeitern, welche zu Verzögerungen des Prüfungsbeginns geführt und somit 5-10 Minuten (je nachdem wo der Platz war) Prüfungszeit gefehlt hat. Unruhe und zusätzliche Nervosität, die es in einer solchen Situation nicht auch noch braucht.
Organisation (5.0) | |
Lecturers (5.0) | |
Learning content (5.0) | |
Training methodology (5.0) | |
Infrastructure (5.0) |
Ich finde den Kurs sehr empfehlenswert. Vor allem finde ich der Dozent lebt für dieses Gebiet. Was ich schwierig finde, ist das Gefälle in der Klasse. Da das Niveau von allen unterschiedlich ist, ist es für mich persönlich schwierig mich persönlich zu recht zu finden - auch wenn sich der Dozent anstrengt. Die einen möchten vorwärts machen und stehe da und habe Mühe mit zukommen. Was sich dann leider auch etwas auf die Motivation schlägt, weil man nur noch Bahnhof versteht. Ehrlich gesagt, würde ich es begrüssen die Gruppe vielleicht noch etwas zu unterteilen - allerdings gehe ich davon aus, dass sich dies nicht lohnt und Sie es deshalb nicht anbieten. Verstehen Sie mich nicht falsch, aber wir haben zum Beispiel jemand mit einer Kaufmännischen Ausbildung in der Klasse. Er steht nicht wie ich bei null.
Organisation (5.0) | |
Lecturers (6.0) | |
Learning content (5.0) | |
Training methodology (5.0) | |
Infrastructure (6.0) |
Da der Lehrgang noch 2 Semester dauert ist es nicht möglich, eine Schlusseinschätzung abzugeben. Ich bin aber überzeugt, dass die Voraussetzungen, den Lehrgang erfolgreich abzuschliessen von Seiten der Schule gegeben sind.
Organisation (5.0) | |
Lecturers (5.0) | |
Learning content (5.0) | |
Training methodology (4.0) | |
Infrastructure (6.0) |
Fachfrau mit eidg. Fachausweis / Sachbearbeiterin Rechnungswesen edupool. Die Schule als solches richtet sich - aus meiner Sicht - ganz stark an die leistungsstarken Schüler. Dabei gibt es viele Schüler die gerne eine Ausbildung absolvieren würden jedoch bei den Prüfungen nicht zu den top shots gehören. Aber unsere Wirtschaft bräuchte auch diese ausgebildeten Mitarbeitenden. Die Dozenten im Lehrgang Fachfrau weisen eine hohe fachliche Kompetenz aus und der Unterricht ist spannend und lehrreich. Von den Dozenten im Lehrgang Sachbearbeiter Rechnungswesen habe ich mehr fachliche Kompetenz erwartet.
Organisation (4.0) | |
Lecturers (4.0) | |
Learning content (4.0) | |
Training methodology (4.0) | |
Infrastructure (5.0) |
Gesamteindruck ist gut, hat aber Verbesserungspotenzial. Das Fach MWST haben wir nur im 1. Semester. Die Prüfung jedoch erst nach dem 3. Semester. Wäre sinnvoller das Fach gleich nach dem 1. Semester abzuschliessen. Sehr positiv ist, dass Tagesklassen gemacht werden. Ich würde die Schule wieder buchen.
Organisation (4.0) | |
Lecturers (6.0) | |
Learning content (5.0) | |
Training methodology (6.0) | |
Infrastructure (5.0) |
Ich habe bereits das KV (Erwachsenenbildung) im HKV Aarau absolviert. Die Lehrer und die positive Umgebung, haben mir den Entscheid nicht schwer gemacht, als ich mich für eine Schule für den SB Rechnungswesen enteiden musste.
Organisation (5.5) | |
Lecturers (6.0) | |
Learning content (5.0) | |
Training methodology (5.0) | |
Infrastructure (6.0) |
Lehrgänge: Fachausweis Finanz/Rechnungswesen, anschliessend gewechselt zum Sachbearbeiter Finanz/Rechnungswesen. Ich bin sehr positiv eingestellt gegenüber der Handelsschule KV Aarau und werde wieder einen Lehrgang in Zukunft besuchen. Würde jederzeit die Schule weiterempfehlen!!
Organisation (5.0) | |
Lecturers (5.0) | |
Learning content (5.0) | |
Training methodology (5.0) | |
Infrastructure (6.0) |
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