What are the disadvantages of safety officer / safety officer training?

After completing the safety officer training (SiBe training), you will be able to take on the tasks of occupational safety in a small or medium-sized company or be responsible for occupational safety and health protection as a supervisor. You will know the important principles and tools for this. You will be able to organize occupational safety and health protection and coordinate the deployment of occupational safety specialists, carry out risk assessments, plan and implement measures and record and investigate accidents.

The main disadvantages of safety officer / safety officer training are:

  1. Safety officer training is not regulated by the state. Association or industry certificates (SUVA and Occupational Safety Switzerland) and model solutions (EKAS) offer a certain degree of quality assurance. Take this into account when choosing your training.
  2. After the safety officer training, it is not always easy to enforce the safety concepts and protective measures vis-à-vis employees and management. It takes persuasion to win over employees or colleagues in the team for safety issues. Occupational health and safety measures are not popular with all employees and are usually associated with high costs for management. Their knowledge is based on brief basic training.
  3. The work following the safety officer / safety officer training is usually carried out alongside the normal job. The job is responsible and time-consuming. It acts as a link between the company management, the safety specialist, the authorities and the employees and thus supports the company management in performing its tasks in this area. Depending on the importance of safety in the company, this can be taken into account to a greater or lesser extent.
  4. If you want to work as a health and safety officer in the field of occupational health and safety, you need to be consistent, persistent and assertive. This also includes acting in difficult situations. They patiently present solutions that employees can understand and implement themselves.
  5. Learning does not usually stop after the basic SiBe course: With additional and in-depth courses, you can expand your skills and abilities and keep them up to date. As a safety officer, you have the opportunity to train as an ASGS safety assistant in just a few days and learn more about the organization of health protection in the company and accident prevention. If you have the relevant professional experience, you can also take the Federal Professional Examination for Occupational Safety and Health Protection Specialist ASGS with a federal certificate.


Graduates of the safety officer training course can take on the role of safety officer in the company. Every company has to deal with occupational health and safety issues.

Provider of security officer / security officer training