What are the main disadvantages of the playgroup leader training?
The playgroup leader training enables you to organize and lead groups of young children who meet regularly. They encourage the children through free play. They make an important contribution to early childhood education, care and upbringing.
The most important disadvantages of the playgroup leader training are:
- The playgroup leader training is not a federal qualification, a school-specific diploma or certificate is issued. Find out more about the course, the qualification and the associated career opportunities, also thanks to the SSLV certification from the Swiss Playgroup Leaders Association.
- In the case of certificate-level courses, the course content and admission requirements are generally not regulated and can be determined individually by the schools. When choosing a course, make sure that it supports your professional goals.
- In addition to a sense of responsibility and enjoyment in dealing with children and their parents, running a playgroup requires a high degree of empathy, patience, tolerance, flexibility, openness and the ability to reflect. All these skills cannot be learned in a playgroup leader training course.
- The approximately one-year training to become a playgroup leader usually takes place alongside work, so there is no loss of earnings. However, good time management is required to cope well with the double workload.
Playgroup leaders mainly work part-time. They usually run one to three groups. They are employed by associations and institutions such as parents' associations, parishes or community centers or work independently.
Provider of a playgroup leader training course