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Technical Business Management Assistant with Federal Diploma of Higher Education: Management training for technicians
Questions and answers
What information about lecturers is important for participants in the Technical Business Management Assistant with Federal Certificate?
According to a survey, the following information about lecturers is most important for participants in the technical business management course with a federal certificate (multiple choices were possible):
- 61 % Subjects
- 58 % Teaching methodology
- 53 % Professional experience of the lecturers
- 49 % Current activity and function in the company
- 44 % Training and further education of lecturers
- 31 % Video with a teaching sequence
- 28 % current portrait image
- 22 % Video with introduction of the lecturers
- 20 % personal ratings
- 16 % Successes to date
- 7 % Linking with social media profiles (Xing, LinkedIn)
- 6 % Hobbies
How difficult is the technical merchant?
The Swiss Association of Technical Executives Anavant publishes statistical data on professional examinations and pass rates:
- 2022: 68.60 % (723 passed out of 1,054 completed examinations)
- 2021: 66% (732 of 1,110)
- 2020: 69.45% (753 of 1,084)
Unsatisfactory grades in 2022 were only awarded in one subject:
- Corporate management with 3.8
What can I do after my technical business management qualification?
If you want to develop your management skills even further after becoming a technical business administrator, you can complete your studies to become a certified business economist HF at a higher technical college. There you can shorten your studies - starting in the 3rd semester - to become a generalist in business administration with an HF diploma. If you want to acquire further management skills as a business economist, you can choose the postgraduate NDS HF in General Management to become a federally certified business economist. If you are aiming for a position as a sales manager, take the higher specialist examination to become a sales manager with a federal diploma.
Technical business management assistant opportunities: What positions can technical business management assistants with a federal certificate take up in the company?
Technical understanding and sound commercial and business management knowledge enable technical business management assistants with a federal certificate to analyze and solve complex problems holistically. There are good opportunities for technical business management assistants. In most cases, they perform a lower to middle management function. In many SMEs, a technical business management assistant fills a management position. The strengths of Technical Business Administrators are:
- Understanding customer needs and being able to implement them in business terms
- Industry diversity - because "entrepreneurial knowledge" is needed everywhere
- Generalist knowledge
- Recognized federal qualification as a technical merchant at professional examination level
- can go into self-employment as he has the necessary business know-how
Info, tips & tests for "Technical Business Management Assistant with Federal Diploma of Higher Education"
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