Which activities appear in relevant job advertisements and how often? What is required in the job of quality manager?

Advertisements for "Job Quality Manager" contain all the requirements that a company has for a new employee for the vacant job. People looking for a job will find all the important information about the vacancy they are looking for in job advertisements, such as

  • the activities
  • the employer's requirements (previous education, professional experience, personal skills and characteristics)
  • more information about the company

This information on the job of quality manager varies from employer to employer. We have collected the information from relevant job advertisements from various job exchanges, looked at it and summarized it for you*:


Different job titles:

  • Quality Manager
  • Quality Assurance Manager
  • Quality engineer
  • Auditor for quality management
  • Quality controller
  • Quality specialist
  • Quality analyst
  • Quality technician
  • Quality auditor
  • Compliance Manager


Distribution of the individual tasks in a Quality Manager job:

Development and monitoring of quality management systems: Ensuring that processes and products meet quality requirements

approx. 20% of the time

Carrying out internal and external audits: Reviewing processes and systems to ensure they meet quality standards

approx. 15% of the time

Staff training and coaching: ensuring that staff understand the importance of quality standards and how to implement them

approx. 10% of the time

Analysis of quality data: Monitoring data to identify trends and make continuous improvements

approx. 10% of the time

Collaboration with other departments: Ensure that quality standards are maintained in all areas of the company

approx. 10% of the time

Investigation of quality problems and implementation of corrective actions: Identification of problem areas and implementation of solutions

approx. 10% of the time

Further tasks:

  • Review and approval of suppliers: Ensuring that external partners comply with the company's quality standards
  • Customer feedback management: Responding to feedback from customers and implementing improvements based on their feedback
  • Developing and monitoring quality metrics: setting targets and monitoring performance against these targets
  • Risk management: identification and management of risks that could affect quality
approx. 25% of the time

Requirements mentioned in job advertisements for the job of quality manager

Professional requirements
  • Completed basic training
  • Certified further training as a quality manager
  • Practical experience in quality management
Specialist knowledge for the job of quality manager
  • Experience with specific quality management systems or tools
  • Knowledge of the relevant quality standards and regulations
  • Experience with quality audits
  • Knowledge of statistical analysis methods and quality improvement techniques
  • Familiarity with quality management software and data analysis tools as well as basic IT skills
Personal characteristics
  • Strong communication skills, both written and verbal
  • Problem-solving ability
  • Analytical thinking
  • Detail orientation
  • Self-motivated and proactive
Other Job Quality Manager
  • The ability to analyze data and draw meaningful conclusions from it is crucial. Quality managers should be able to recognize patterns, identify cause-and-effect relationships and make informed decisions based on data
  • The ability to mediate between different departments and reach consensus
  • The ability to work under pressure and meet deadlines
  • Depending on the industry and the specific work environment, it may be necessary to have technical knowledge and skills, e.g. in mechanical engineering, software development or food production
  • Many quality initiatives are project-based, so project management skills are often helpful

In addition:Here you will find further interesting links on the subject of job advertisements and job searches:

*The information listed here comes from an ad hoc study to provide a unique insight into the job market and what is required in a Quality Manager job.

Schools with quality management training for a quality manager job