Business Information Systems Specialist (BP) (formerly Computer Scientist (BP)) (Boxes):
5 Provider
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Education location / Schools Buchs
Questions and answers
Why not study business informatics at a university of applied sciences or university of applied sciences?
The professional examination for business IT specialists is the path to the first specialization after a Federal Certificate of Competence (EFZ). It is about specialization in the specific field of ICT and paves the way for the higher professional examination as an ICT manager. Studying at a university of applied sciences takes twice as long (or the same amount of time full-time) and is more expensive. A vocational baccalaureate or high school diploma is required for the university of applied sciences.
What are the requirements for the Business Informatics Certificate?
The requirements for the Business Informatics Certificate are:
- Federal Diploma of Vocational Education and Training (VET Diploma) in the field of information and communication technology (ICT) or as a business management assistant (profile E and M) and at least 2 years of professional experience in the field of ICT
- Other Federal Vocational Baccalaureate, Federal Vocational Baccalaureate, Specialized Baccalaureate, Baccalaureate or equivalent qualification and at least 4 years of professional experience in ICT
Further information is available from the training providers.
IFA Business Informatics - where can you work?
Business IT specialists with a federal certificate work in larger companies as part of a team with other IT specialists and business economists involved in the projects. In smaller companies, they are all-rounders and carry out all work independently. Professionals with a Federal Certificate in Information Systems usually work in IT or industrial companies, public administrations, insurance companies or banks as IT project managers, heads of IT departments, business analysts, requirement engineers, service owners or IT consultants.
What do you do in business informatics jobs?
Business IT specialists with a federal certificate analyze, develop, supervise and manage IT projects for a wide range of company needs. This can be, for example, the introduction of an administration system, the adaptation of an e-mail system or the purchase of software. Technical, economic and organizational aspects are taken into account in ICT tasks.
What do you learn in a business informatics course?
In a business informatics course you learn:
- General professional skills ICT
- Carry out evaluation of IT resources
- Ensuring information security
- Delineate systems and specify requirements
- Budgeting IT services
- Planning and monitoring projects (project management)
- Implement release and update management
- Subject-specific skills
- Developing an analysis for an application
- Supporting business processes with ICT tools
- Calculating IT investments and demonstrating profitability
- Shaping and supporting change processes
- Introducing standard software
- Leading project teams
- Helping to shape ICT concepts
- Consider the environment of the companies
- Handling ICT projects in compliance with the law
- Define and agree an IT service
What are the business informatics tasks?
The business informatics tasks are:
- Analysis and evaluation of the environment, requirements, resources, feasibility, potential, costs and savings - in order to make system changes and align ICT more effectively
- Project management for the selection and procurement of suitable hardware and software as well as commissioning, including testing, training and support
- Optimization and operation with business process analysis and optimization as well as monitoring
- ensure IT security
What further training is recommended after the Business Informatics certificate?
The following further training courses are recommended after the certificate in business informatics:
- Courses offered by vocational colleges and professional associations in the fields of IT and business administration
- Higher professional examination (HFP) as a qualified ICT manager
- Higher technical college as a certified business IT specialist HF
- University of Applied Sciences with a Bachelor of Science (FH) in Computer Science or in Business Informatics
What requirements should a business information scientist fulfill?
As a business computer scientist you should fulfill the following requirements:
- IT skills
- Ability to develop, implement and review projects
- Ability to negotiate
- Good knowledge of business administration
- Working with is demanding and often stressful - this requires the ability to set priorities correctly and structure processes well.
How much does a business informatics apprenticeship cost?
Training in business informatics with preparation for the Federal Professional Examination usually takes one to two years and is completed on a part-time basis. The course costs around CHF 15,000. It enables professionals who work in IT or in the IT environment to obtain a higher federal qualification. Ask the school of your choice about the exact costs (course, documents, exam preparation, exams, etc.).
Tips, tests and information on "Business IT specialist with a federal certificate"
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