Marketing Manager (AFPE) (Region Aargau):
3 Provider
The most important facts in brief
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Questions and answers
How long does continuing education, further training for marketing managers take?
At most schools, continuing education, further training in marketing management with a federal diploma is completed in two semesters while working. However, to be on the safe side, ask the provider about the duration of the continuing, further training.
How is the AFPE for marketing managers structured?
The Advanced Federal Professional Examination (AFPE) comprises 6 examination parts:
- a written exam on questions from marketing and sales (6 hours)
- two written integrative case studies (4 hours each)
- an oral examination on selected critical situations (30 min.)
- An oral presentation, which can be prepared during 30 minutes (20 minutes)
- One technical discussion (30 min.)
The written examinations take place over two consecutive days. The oral examinations take place on one day, approximately two months later.
What are the marketing manager tasks?
The marketing manager's role is to manage the marketing department of a company, agency or organization. They are responsible for drawing up marketing plans and coordinating the relevant activities between the individual departments. They report to the management on the success of the individual marketing measures and make any necessary changes and adjustments following in-depth analysis. As marketing managers with a federal diploma, these specialists are responsible for the distribution of the marketing budget as well as for personnel management in the department.
What responsibilities can you have after completing the diploma course in marketing management?
After completing the diploma course in marketing management, you can take on the following responsibilities:
- Marketing strategy
- Marketing planning
- Achievement of marketing goals
- Personnel management in the marketing department
- Marketing budget
- Coordination of marketing activities with activities from other areas of the company
Tips, tests and information on "Marketing Manager with Advanced Federal Diploma of Higher Education (Achtung: English equiv. Diploma HF!)"
Experiences, evaluations and opinions on training / continuing education, further training
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