What is everyday working life like in florist jobs?
As a florist with a federal certificate, you work in flower stores, garden centers or garden departments. This responsible role involves designing bouquets, flower arrangements and other plant arrangements - usually including management or department management and staff management. This involves receiving customer requests, planning orders and implementing them efficiently and within budget. For occasions such as weddings, funerals and celebrations, suitable workpieces or entire decoration concepts are developed, including advising customers on style, colors and plant and flower selection. In the store, the florist designs sales rooms and shop windows to create a pleasant and inviting shopping atmosphere. The florist's field of activity also includes business management tasks (purchasing, costing, bookkeeping, etc.) and the implementation of marketing measures such as an in-store reading.
The following areas of work are typical in florist jobs:
- Plant or department management (possibly as a deputy)
- Business organization and administration incl. orders
- Definition of the appropriate assortment of flowers, plants and accessories
- Ensure purchasing incl. goods inspection
- Price calculation and determination
- Planning demanding orders
- Coordinate work processes and ensure efficient implementation of orders
- Preparation of invoices and bookkeeping
- Make salesrooms and shop windows attractive and inviting
- Plan and implement marketing measures, sales promotions and advertising events
- Incorporating the latest trends in architecture, fashion and art
- Employee management
- Check the implementation of floristic working techniques
- Work planning
- Ensuring a good working atmosphere
- Apprenticeship training
- In customer service
- Recording the wishes of customers
- Clarify specifications such as technical requirements, room architecture and budget
- Create and suggest flower and decoration concepts as required
- Educate people about natural materials that conserve resources
- Creation of bouquets, flower arrangements and plant arrangements
- Ensure budget compliance
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