Stress coach training: What are the main disadvantages?
After completing the stress coach training course, you will be able to accompany healthy, adult people sensitively and professionally on their path to stress reduction. You will have specialist knowledge on the topics of stress, burnout and relaxation methods and their effects on the entire body.
The most important disadvantages of the playgroup leader training are:
- The completion of the stress coach training is not a federal diploma, but a school's own certificate or diploma. Some of the diplomas are recognized by coaching associations such as the Swiss Professional Association for Coaching, Organizational Consulting and Supervision (bso), the International Coach Federation (ICF) or the International Association of Coaching Institutes (ICI). In most cases, basic coaching training is also a prerequisite, as this is a specialization.
- As the qualifications at certificate level are not federally regulated, the learning content can differ from school to school. However, association qualifications such as bso, ICF or ICI are regulated. Instead of a certificate course, a CAS in coaching or resilience training might also be useful as stress coach training.
- The time required for preparation and follow-up work, self-study, practice, learning support and examinations must be planned over one to two semesters in the private and professional environment.
- Even after completing the stress coach training, the learning doesn't stop: Individual relaxation techniques can be further developed in various courses. If you are aiming for a federal qualification, you can also take the Federal Professional Examination to become a company mentor or complete postgraduate studies in Higher Education. Incidentally, only those who complete the entire course, including the Federal Professional Examination, can benefit from federal subsidies.
Many stress coaches work as employees in organizations or companies or as self-employed individuals on a mandate basis.
Provider of stress coach training