Marketing Manager (AFPE) (Region Zentralschweiz):
3 Provider
The most important facts in brief
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Questions and answers
What are the admission criteria for the Advanced Federal Professional Examination (AFPE) in Marketing Management?
Anyone wishing to take the Advanced Federal Professional Examination (AFPE) for the Federal Diploma in Marketing Management must fulfill one of the following requirements:
- Federal Diploma of Vocational Education and Training of at least three years' duration
- Diploma from a federally recognized commercial secondary school or Specialized School
- Maturity certificate
and at least six years of professional experience, including 3 years in a management position in marketing
- Federal diploma in marketing or in a related industry
- Advanced Federal Professional Examination (AFPE) diploma
- Diploma from a College of Higher Education
- Diploma from a University of Applied Sciences
and at least three years of professional experience in a management position in marketing
What can I achieve by training to become a federally certified marketing manager?
You can achieve the following by training to become a federally certified marketing manager:
- Taking responsibility for marketing and sales
- Become a member of management or be self-employed in the communications and advertising industry
- Develop, implement and monitor marketing strategy for the company
- Management and coordination of the executive divisions within the scope of operative marketing
- design and successfully implement responsible and realistic solutions in the area of marketing/sales
- Mastering marketing method skills
- Optimal preparation for Advanced Federal Professional Examination (AFPE) in Marketing Management through targeted exam training
- Degree as a federally certified marketing manager
- Further training opportunities at higher technical colleges and universities of applied sciences as well as at postgraduate level
Is it necessary to attend a marketing manager training course at a school for the Advanced Federal Professional Examination (AFPE)?
Admission to the Advanced Federal Professional Examination (AFPE) does not require candidates to have previously passed a marketing management training module, meaning that attending a preparatory course is not mandatory. However, candidates without comprehensive professional preparation have little chance of passing the exam, so a marketing management course is highly recommended.
Why do people ask schools for detailed information about the Marketing Manager training program?
A survey of prospective students on the platform reveals the reasons for requesting detailed information from schools. These are the three facts for the Marketing Manager course:
- 59% choose schools for inquiries after reading online reviews
- 33% asked schools for a recommendation
- 8 % already knew the schools before the inquiry
According to the free text answer option, the "location" is also a criterion for triggering a school inquiry for the marketing manager training.
Tips, tests and information on "Marketing Manager with Advanced Federal Diploma of Higher Education (Achtung: English equiv. Diploma HF!)"
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- An overview of the different levels and types of education
- Information about the Swiss education system
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