Self-test: Is the course to become a "Building Technician HF" (formerly Technician HF Building Technology) the right one for me now?
Test here whether a job as a building technician HF (formerly technician HF building technology) suits you and whether a building technology course at a higher technical college (HF) is right for you.
Note: Since fall 2022, the HF technician courses (formerly "Techniker HF Fachrichtung") have been given a separate framework curriculum and a new title for each specialization. For example, the course "Technician HF Building Technology" is now called "Building Technician HF". In addition, the specializations Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, Refrigeration, Sanitation (HVACS) and Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning (HVAC) have been removed from the framework curriculum. (You can find out more about the possible specializations in the self-test)
In addition: With the new framework curriculum of 21.10.2022, there are now two independent professions: Building technician HF and building automation technician HF. This self-test here refers to the building technician HF.