Degree, diploma and title
The final examination (HFP) to become an expert in accounting and controlling is held every year, provided that at least 40 candidates meet the admission requirements after the announcement, otherwise every two years. Candidates can choose the language in which they wish to take the Advanced Professional Examination: German, French or Italian.
Candidates are notified at least 28 days before the start of the examination. The invitation includes the examination program (location, time of the oral examination, permitted aids) and the list of experts.
The higher professional examination consists of seven parts, which are structured as follows:
(Note: If you have a qualification as a certified public accountant, certified tax expert or certified fiduciary expert, you can be exempted from one or more of the following tax and corporate finance examination parts (only applies to certified public accountants). Detailed information on the recognition and crediting of other qualifications and achievements can be obtained from the awarding body).
1) Accounting (written, 5 hours, weighting 3)
On the basis of two to three guided case studies, candidates work on problems relating to the core processes of accounting.
2) Controlling (written, 5 hours, weighting 3)
Candidates work on problems using 2 to 3 guided case studies for the core processes of controlling.
3) Corporate Finance (written, 3 hours, weighting 1)
Candidates work on problems on the basis of guided case work. This covers the core processes of corporate finance.
4) Taxes (written, 2 hours, weighting 1)
In the area of core tax processes, candidates work on problems on the basis of guided case work.
5) Data management (written, 1.5 hours, weighting 1)
Candidates must work on the core processes of data management using guided case work.
6) Interdisciplinary case study (written, 4 hours, weighting 3)
In the form of an interdisciplinary case study, candidates work on a complex problem relating to the areas of competence specified for this part of the examination.
7) Presentation and technical discussion (oral, 1 hour 40 minutes, weighting 1)
In advance, the candidates draw up a concept for a specific initial situation. They then present the concept orally to a panel of experts. This is followed by an expert discussion.
Diploma and title
Successful graduates of the higher professional examination receive a federal diploma and are entitled to use the federally recognized and protected title "Certified Expert in Accounting and Controlling".
In French: "Expert diplômé en finance et en controlling / Experte diplômée en finance et en controlling"
In Italian: "Esperto diplomato in finanza e in controlling / Experta diplomata in finanza e in controlling"
In English: "Chartered Expert in Financial and Managerial Accounting and Reporting, Advanced Federal Diploma of Higher Education". Please note that the English title is merely a translation and recommendation and is not a protected title.