Self-test Head of Facility Management and Maintenance with Federal Diploma (HFP): Is this course the right one for me?

Test here whether a job as an expert in facility management and maintenance with a federal diploma suits you and whether a preparatory course for the federal PET examination "Head of Facility Management and Maintenance" is the right path for you.

Note: The course/profession "Head of Facility Management and Maintenance" replaces the two courses "Head of Facility Management" and "Head of Maintenance", which were discontinued in 2021. In addition, the abbreviation "LFMM" was introduced, which is the official abbreviation for this course.


Question 1:

Do the activities described meet your expectations? Would you like to work as Head of Facility Management and Maintenance?

Question 2:

Do you belong to one of the target groups for this training course and do you have the necessary personal qualities?

Question 3:

Do you meet the requirements for admission?

Question 4:

Are you interested in this content, would you like to acquire knowledge in these subject areas?

Question 5:

Are you able to pre-finance between CHF 20,150 and CHF 24,150 for the course and exam (plus fees for module exams)?

Question 6:

Can you find the time for lessons and self-study?

Question 7:

Do you have the confidence to pass the modules, the diploma thesis and the federal examination?