Degree, diploma and title
The Higher Professional Examination for Marketing Managers is held once a year if at least 30 candidates meet the admission requirements, otherwise at least every two years. The examination can be taken in one of the three official languages German, French or Italian.
The higher professional examination consists of the following examination parts:
1. situational questions marketing and sales (written, 360 minutes)
In this written part of the examination, candidates demonstrate that they have comprehensive knowledge in the areas of marketing and sales as well as business administration. They are able to apply this knowledge competently in professional tasks.
In terms of methodology, this part of the examination is based on so-called application tasks (action simulations) and "mini cases".
2 Integrative case study 1 and 2 (written, 240 minutes each)
The second part of the examination consists of an integrative case study made up of two parts. Based on this case study, candidates deal with questions ranging from analysis to the construction of solution variants.
3. critical success situations (oral, 30 minutes)
Candidates work through four to five situations that are critical to success. Here, candidates demonstrate that they are able to act quickly and correctly.
4.1 Presentation (oral 80 minutes, including 60 minutes preparation)
At the beginning of this part of the exam, candidates are given a starting point, which they analyze and develop concept and implementation ideas. Furthermore, they prepare a persuasive presentation for a defined target audience (e.g. management, customer, etc.).
4.2 Technical discussion (oral, 30 minutes)
Following the presentation, the candidates defend the concept and implementation ideas they have just presented to a panel of experts.
Diploma and title
Successful graduates of the higher professional examination receive a federal diploma and are entitled to use the federally recognized and protected title "Certified Marketing Manager".
In French: "Cheffe de marketing diplômée / Chef de marketing diplômé"
In Italian: "Capo del marketing diplomata / Capo del marketing diplomato"
In English (This is only a recommendation/translation and not a protected title): "Marketing Director, Advanced Federal Diploma of Higher Education"