Degree, diploma and title
The professional examination for sales specialists with a federal certificate takes place annually if at least 70 candidates meet the admission requirements, otherwise every two years. It can be taken in German, French or Italian.
Candidates are notified at least 30 days before the start of the written examination and at least 20 days before the start of the oral examination. The invitation includes the examination program (place and time of the examination as well as aids to be brought along or permitted) and the list of experts
The final examination for the federal certificate for sales specialists comprises a total of 7 parts:
1. basics (written, 120 minutes)
In this written examination, basic knowledge in the area of sales and marketing is tested.
2. guided case study Marketing & Sales (written, 180 minutes)
The guided case study is based on the central tasks and processes of sales specialists in the fields of action "Self and project management", "Carrying out analyses", "Realizing market performance", "Designing communication", "Designing distribution"
3. guided case study planning (written, 180 minutes)
In this part of the examination, the guided case study focuses on conception and planning. It focuses on the processes and tasks of sales specialists in the fields of "Planning sales activities and managing sales processes", "Ensuring sales processes administratively" and "Implementing sales interactions".
4. guided case study implementation (written, 120 minutes)
The guided case study in this part of the exam focuses on "Implementation" and the areas of action "Planning sales activities and managing sales processes", "Ensuring sales processes administratively" and "Implementing sales interactions".
5th post-basket task (written, 90 minutes)
In this part of the exam, candidates prioritize and plan various activities from a sales specialist's working day.
6. presentation and expert discussion (oral, presentation 140 minutes, expert discussion 30 minutes)
Candidates work on a case study or a practical task, which they then present to a panel of experts. They then answer questions from the experts.
7. role play (oral, 30 minutes)
In this part of the exam, a customer meeting is simulated.
Diploma and title
Graduates of the professional examination receive a federal certificate and are entitled to use the federally recognized and protected title "Sales specialist with federal certificate".
- In French: "Spécialiste de vente avec brevet fédéral"
- In Italian: "Specialiste in vendite con attestato professionale federale"
- In English: "Sales Specialist, Federal Diploma of Higher Education" (Attention: No protected title only a recommendation)
Note: Sales specialists with a federal certificate have the opportunity to acquire the Europe-wide recognized EMC certificate for "Junior Sales Manager".You can find out more here.
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