Subject matter and content of the training
The learning content taught in a HF Business Informatics course is generally based on the "Business Informatics HF" framework curriculum.
The sponsorship is made up as follows:
- Organization of the world of work (OdA): ICT-Berufsbildung Schweiz, Kaufmännischer Verband Schweiz, SGO Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Organisation und Management, Swico, VIW Wirtschaftsinformatik Schweiz
- Representation of the education providers: CRODES Conférence romande des écoles supérieures, KIS Konferenz der Informatikschulen Schweiz
The sponsoring body is responsible for drawing up the framework curriculum and for periodically checking that it is up to date and of high quality.
Nevertheless, the universities of applied sciences have a certain amount of leeway in the design of their business informatics training. Which course content is ultimately covered and how it is structured or deepened can therefore vary from HF to HF. The universities of applied sciences can also offer specializations, for example.*
TheSubject matteris generally divided into the following main areas:
Economic fundamentals
- Strategic management
- Management processes in day-to-day business
- Financial management
- Customer process design
- Legal basis
- Methods and techniques
Working techniques
- Written communication
- Oral communication
- Networked thinking
Principles of service provision
- Project management
- Process management
- Risk management
- Quality management
IT-specific learning areas
- Service management
- Systems Engineering & Development
- Application Engineering
- IT management
- IT security
- IT quality management
- IT risk management
*In the case of the Business Information Systems degree program, it is also possible for schools to offer specializations (max. 10% of total learning hours). The generalist orientation of the framework curriculum therefore also enables (apart from the specializations) cross-industry mobility of business informatics graduates on the job market.